Story Of My Wife ♥

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Guessing this is the day where I tell everyone

                             “Tell everyone what?”

                             “Tell everyone what?”

About the time my heart got broken



Oh c’mon it's not all that bad!


                           “Whatever you say”

so it was in December



I’m trying to remember

                           “Kay then”


I met a girl by the name of Amanda

                          “Eh Heh”


we were to have sex, but she wanted a dick as big an anaconda

                          “Oh my god!”


I didn’t have what she wanted so she turned me down



I remained for days with a frown


                          “what happened next?”

One day I thought. I’d give her what she wanted



I got my best friend Fred



He fucked her so hard that she pronounced dead



He had to throw away the bed


                         “Am listening!” J

That was pretty much the story of my life


                              “You mean the story of your wife!”

Yes. That was the story of my wife.

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