Chapter 7 - Mad

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Chloe Regens

"Come on Chloe.. should I hold your hand again like we did when you're a kid?" Ken asked and I hissed. I followed him inside the restaurant

We walked in to the restaurant side by side and go to the private room that Jack already booked.

"You both are late" Aaron said as we both got in

"Chloe taking a long time to get ready.. blame her" Ken said and I looked at him disbelief. How I want to stomp his feet with my boots.


"It's fine , we understand" Sky said with a smirk on his face

"Are you cold or something? You keep wearing scarf and now turtle necks" Jack asked , The A couple , Sky and Rose smirked

"Yes I'm cold" I said and walked to the empty chairs , Ken sit beside me

"Hello" I smiled to the girls

"You look beautiful" Hailey said and I smiled

"You too" I turned to Jack who sit across me and raised my eyebrows

"Oh.. Marissa this is my sister , Chloe this is Marissa my friend" He introduced and I turned to her smiling. Why I get a feeling that she's a bitch.

"I don't like her" Angel whispered to my ear and I nodded

"Me too"

"Go order first" Jack said and I nodded. The boys talked about business that I don't understand. I'm a designer not a business woman.

I talked wih the girls about random things and how much we love shopping. We're like a sister that I never have. Too bad they're so far away.. they're in NY and I'm in LA. When Aaron and Sebastian in LA , we rarely meet because I'm busy with my college and they're busy with their work.

Now that Aaron and Sebastian move to New York makes us hard to meet again.

"Chloe" Jack called and I raised my eyebrows

"Angel here.. she has her own clothing line" I turned to Angel


"Her clothes are awesome" Alissa said

"Angel , Chloe is a designer" Jack said to Angel

"Oh my gosh that's really great! Do you want to work with me?" She asked directly and my eyes widen

"Like really?" I'm so happy right now

"Yeah! Oh come on.. I will be happy if you want to join me"

"But aren't you still working as an actress?" I asked and she turned to Alex

"He gets jealous a lot with me kissing a thousands of hot guys out there.. besides opening my own clothing line has been my dream so I decided to vacum and do this clothing line" She smiled

"Can I join?" Marissa out of nowhere asked

"I only ask Chloe" She said in a feisty tone

"Angel" Alex warned

"Can I?" I asked Jack

"Of course you can.. it means you can move here to New York. Let me talk to mom and dad about it first" Jack said and I smiled widely

"Kyaaa I want to" I said and Angel squealed too

"It means we get to hangout more often" Sophia said and I winked at her


The food came and we started to eat. I'm really enjoying this. I don't know why my eyes turn to Marissa. She has her eyes on Kenneth. Looking at Ken with her seducing eyes. I hate it. She has my brother but she's flirting with Ken. I turned to Ken but he has no interest to her. I'm glad.

My phone suddenly fell from my lap so I have to get it. It fell under the table so I reach it with my feet first and taking it with my hand. My eyes widen as I saw Marissa's leg is caressing Ken's leg.

I'm more than mad right now.. she used my brother to get closer to the 7 Gold Lifes. Ken is her target. Not only caressing his leg , she went further to his thigh. That's it.

I sit straight and I looked at Marissa. She's still trying by biting her lips and giving him a seducing look. I take a glass of water beside me.. I think it's Angel's. I throw the water to her face and they all gasped.

Jack was more than shock , he looked at Marissa and then she looked at me.

"Do you think I'm stupid you bitch!" I bursted

"Why did you do that?" Jack got angry with me and I looked at him disbelief

"If you didn't notice your date is using you. She has been flirting with Ken and even caressing his legs and thigh all the time" Jack turned to Marissa and she put a I-didn't-do-anything-look

"Don't put that face bitch" This time I throw her my steak and mushroom soup to her face. She gasped

"Chloe!" Jack said in a scolding tone , I looked at him disbelief. I scoffed

"I'm outta here" I said taking my bag and walked out from the private room without caring about anything.

How can he trust that bitch more?

I walked out form that restaurant , planning to take a taxi. Suddenly someone pulled me.

"You scared me!" I said

"You need to company me somewhere , remember?" He hold my wrist and pulling me to his car

"That bitch.. why didn't you do anything?" I asked to Ken

"I'm not interest and beside he's your brother's date. If I get mad there , it will ruin your brother's"

"But she's a bitch"

"I know Chloe" He sighed

"Why didn't I throw my plate earlier?" I said and Ken laughed

"You've done enough" He said and I turned to him

"Where are you taking me? Don't tell me that you're planning to rape me or kill me?" I asked and he smiled

"Why would I kill you? Rape? Please , girls are kissing my feet , I don't need to rape girls" Cocky much?

"So you don't want to tell me where we're going?"

"Top of The Rock Observation Deck"


"You'll see" He said

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