Chapter 2

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Cookie: STOP!! READ!! Okay, I got a couple of comments from a few readers who seemed offended because of my description of Callie. I'd just like to say that this is MY story. Respect it. I'm not trying to offend anyone by making Callie fat. I'm certainly not trying to offend heavy set people. I used to be pudgy before I lost the weight so I know exactly how Callie feels. Don't tell me how to write my story. If you don't like what I'm writing, then stop reading. I'm just trying to write a story of a big girl who felt like she had to lie to keep the man she loves by her side. While reading the story, we'll see how much she matures inside and out.

So please, if you have complaints about Callie, stop reading. 'Kay? ^_^

Pic is of Chris!

Youtube songlink is "My Valentine" by Vanessa Williams. A beautiful classic! :D


"So there I was," Chris said, standing directly in front of Callie, his handsome face flushed and animated. "There I was, completely butt naked while trying to climb out of Jessica's window."

       "No!" Callie cried with shocked outrage, eyes going round and sparkling with humor. "The window?"

       Chris nodded, a wide grin forming across his lips. "Yes, the window."

        Callie clapped her chubby hands together and laughed. "And then what happened?"

       "Ever tried to climb out of a window and down a tree?" He asked her, quirking a brow. "It's not easy. I can still feel the tree barks skidding on my ass."

       Callie laughed again. "Oh my god! I can't believe it. Did her father catch you?"

       Chris shook his head. "Uh huh. By the time he bust into her room, I was already jumping off the tree and running towards my car."

       "Butt naked?"

       Gorgeous face turning serious, Chris raised his left hand up and placed the right over his heart and said in a solemn voice: "As naked as the day I was born."

       Callie burst into a fit of laughter, her pudgy round body shaking with mirth on her tan living room couch as she pictured a butt naked Chris running for his life in the middle of the night in fear of a fathers wrath.

       "Oh my god," she wheezed out, tears streaming down her cheeks, "I c-can't believe you! You're so outrageous!"

       Chris watched her laughing, the wide grin back on his face. "And that's what happened on my date with Jessica last night."

       Callie waved a hand at him, still laughing. "You're so wicked."

       Chris shrugged, taking her accusation as a compliment. "What? It's not like Jessica was underage. She's twenty! Her dad is just too overprotective. Good thing she had locked her door though or I would have been up-shit creek. Her dad looks like Hulk Hogan."

       Callie wiped the tears from her eyes and shook her head at him. "Why do most of your dates end with some other guy chasing you?"

       "Hey," Chris pointed a finger at her, "you're talking about Megan right? The woman I went out with last week? Hell, I didn't know she was married! The woman lied to me."

       Callie rolled her eyes but the smile on her face wouldn't go away, the humorous image Chris painted for her of him climbing out a window naked still on her mind. Since they've become buddies, Chris would always come to her apartment to tell her his misadventures he called "dates." Her heart would always die a little inside whenever he told her his recent activities with other women but the tales he told would always leave her laughing.

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