⚙6: Of Excellent Expeditions and An Eventual Escape⚙

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Whatever Winchester gave me to sleep doesn't last long. I wake again in the middle of the night, tossing and turning despite my bandages. A dull ache radiates out from my torso, but it feels better than it did. Surprisingly fast healing, really. What's in those herbs?

I look around the room for entertainment. No books, no maps, no tools to tinker with. How boring. What kind of man doesn't keep books in his quarters?

With some effort, I manage to hoist myself off the bed and into an upright position. I know it's stupid to be moving about with a broken rib, but I've never been good at keeping still.

I smile ruefully, knowing that if Winchester could see me now he'd give me a disapproving glance and send me back to bed. Who could blame me for wanting to explore? I just got out of the tower I was trapped in for years. Seeing the same room, the same view every day got awfully tiring. Believe me. I intend to use my newfound freedom while I have the chance.

I only have the small matter of Lady Elise still being on the loose. I can't stay in bed. Not while we're still in danger. I made a promise to myself. I made a promise to Felix. I won't put them through that, not again.

There's still one problem, though. Felix's injuries are undoubtedly more severe than mine. He took a bloody fall from the top of the tower, after all.

I feel a strange tug in my heart once more. Had I really started caring for the boy?

That causes another flurry of butterflies, and I shake my head. He told me himself, he's homosexual. That means he likes men. Boys. Not...people like me. Bile rises in the back of my throat and I force it back down. I blink at myself in a grimy mirror, the only decoration in the room. My reflection flickers back at me through the haze of a few dimly burning candles. Tired, sore, and unmistakably female.

I sigh, scrubbing my face. If only things were different.

He seemed like he was interested, for sure. He even gave me that little peck on the forehead! But maybe, as Winchester said, he was just lonely. Maybe he just needed a friend.

I'm overwhelmed with a sudden urge to see him. Even if he's too sick to leave, we need to come up with a plan. I can't stay here longer than necessary. And if that means leaving Felix behind so he'll be safe...

I can't bear to think it.

I grit my teeth and walk into the hallway. My steps are unsteady at first, but I put a hand on the wall to anchor myself. I gaze at the multiple doors lining the hallway. Where would Felix be staying? Where would Winchester be?

If I played my cards right, I could go check in on Felix without Winchester ever knowing I left.

I hold my breath as I tiptoe out of the room. Tiptoeing is probably not the right word; it's awfully hard to be stealthy on a creaky wooden floor. I turn to my left, take a breath, and press the door open.

What luck. Felix lays sprawled across the bed, tangling himself in his covers despite large metal braces on his legs. I can't help but smile as I look at him. In sleep, the bravado is gone, and only he remains.

As if pulled by an unnatural force, I step into the room, quietly closing the door behind me. I watch him for a few moments, his face slack in the throes of sleep. I wish I could let him stay like that.

A wave of guilt washes over me and I grimace. This is all my fault. If he hadn't found me that day, if I'd sent him on his way, if we hadn't gotten involved...none of this would have happened. He'd still be safe.

I'm so wrapped up in my thoughts I don't notice the two green eyes looking up at me.

"What's with all the staring? It's not very attractive, I must say." A smirk curls up at his lips and I have to refrain from hitting him.

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