Gay marriage

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Once upon a time there lived two men. They were deeply in love. Their names were Steve and Andrew. One day they were getting ready to go to the beach. Suddenly Steve wanted to say something to Andrew. Steve got on his knees and said with dignity "will you marry me Andrew". "Yes yes screamed Andrew. Everybody was clapping . So then they went home. They made invitation's. But first they had to ask the mayor. So they went to the city hall. That's where the mayor lives. So they knocked on the door and asked could they get married on may 13th. the mayor said No, gay marriage is illegal in this town". "What that is not fair we have a right to get married" screamed Steve and Andrew. So they walked out outraged and never came back. But they didn't give up. It was the next day that the gay couple were supposed to get married. Suddenly the mayor heard noises outside his window. There were a group of people shouting "let gay people get married".The mayor went outside and announced "gay marriage is not allowed in this town". But then the mayor's wife came out of the door and whispered to the mayor's ear "if you don't let gay people get married i'm leaving you". So then the mayor announced "gay marriage is now allowed in this town now". Everybody cheered. So then Steve and Andrew got married. Everyone was invited. They had a big cake and lots of gorges food. Then the bride and bride put their rings on each other and then the priest said "may kiss the each other". they kissed each other and went to Scotland. 19 years later they 10 children 5 boys and 5 girls. The boys names were Edmond,Jacob,David,John and Edward. The girl's names were Lucy,Kate,Daisy,Lisa and Tia. They were a happy family. They had a huge house. 5 dogs,6 cats,11 fishes,7 birds and 2 snakes. They were the with the most money family in Scotland. They were billionaires. If it weren't for the mayor's wife they wouldn't have a family. The lesson in this story is never judge gay people. THE END. Written by Benjamin choloniewski.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2014 ⏰

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