Four • Suck my wand, it's magic (Part One)

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FourSuck my wand, it's magic (Part One)

      Hale stared at the penis in front of him with a raised brow. "Wow, Erin. I knew we were close, but I think even we have limits. Wait - is that a piercing?"

Erin scrambled to pull up his boxers, and Hale knew if he could,  he would be blushing bright red at being caught so openly in a compromising position. He didn't even register the young - naked -  brunette girl, asleep and looking like she'd had the ride of her fucking life on the bed behind his brother.

"It's a human thing - the girls go crazy for it." Erin defended himself quietly with a fierce scowl. 

Hale's face slowly split into a shit-eating grin. "I didn't realise you needed the help."

Erin scoffed, rolling his eyes but he didn't meet Hale's laughing stare. "What's so important that you had to come right at this moment?"

Hale's good humour fled his mind instantly at the reminder of his reason for disturbing his brother during feeding time.

"I checked out the Mole like you asked."

Erin's gaze surveyed Hale's face and searched his eyes intently. A dark frown furrowed his brow at what he saw and his stomach sank with dread. "What happened?"

Hale's shadowed eyes flickered to the unconscious girl on the messy covers in a questioning glance.

"Don't worry about her, she'll be out for another good few hours."

"Must be the piercing," Hale muttered with a half-assed chuckle.

Erin didn't smile. He was waiting for an answer and he wouldn't drop it until he knew every single detail. The dirty bastard.

With a heavy sigh, Hale relented. "You were right. Someone had been deliberating feeding the little chit information. Someone wanted us to know that she knew, but they did one hell of a job keeping their identity well hidden, even from the girl."

Erin bit his lip in thought, his eyes glaring up at the ceiling as his mind ticked overtime. "So what did you see?"

"He seduced her. Told her a truck load of our shit. He never seemed to show his face, just his dick seemed to relay over and over in her mind. Until I got there of course." Hale couldn't help the smirk that crawled onto his lips as he remembered how her memories had faded with his presence, with his touch.

"Was he incubi?" 

Hale thought about it in depth for a moment. His brain mulled it over, remembering how she had felt him to be a dark, seductive presence that had her heart racing and her panties dropping. It was a feature nearly all Incubi possessed. It was a trait that Hale knew wasn't specific to just his kind, but something in his gut, heavy and sinking led him to believe it was one of his kin. He wished he could say no, but he knew it to be true like he knew Erin had a dick piercing.


Erin cursed in their native tongue, looking more frustrated and pissed off than he'd ever seen him. Hale watched as he raked a rough hand through his blond hair with sparks flying from his eyes. His earlier confusion towards his brother raced to the forefront of his mind once more.

Why the fuck was Erin so emotionally involved in this?

Yes, Hale was pissed the fuck off. Some random cock had took it upon himself to give out centuries old secrets about their people and the members of the Kai, but with the human Mole illiminated, Hale only had to find the rat. The traitorous little bastard. His brother was worried. And not in the same way as him.

Hale just couldn't seem to understand why though - what was the fucker's motive? He just couldn't fathom any reason. He, himself, wasn't a massive fan of the Kai or the Magick community, but he wasn't fucking dumb enough to attempt to expose it - deliberately anyway. To, in a sense, completely rat out yourself and your entire species, and for what? What could an incubus possibly gain from exposing the incubi and their customs? Hale didn't have a fucking clue, but as he watched a startling show of emotions flash across his brother's face, he vowed to himself and made it his fucking mission to find out.

Someone else linked to this rat was deeply bothering his brother and it was serious enough to affect his otherwise hardened exterior. Erin cared, but this was different. It was personal to Erin and therefore had become personal to Hale. Whoever fucked with his brother  was gonna get fucked up.

The Kai may more often than not try to exclude him from official affairs and complaints due to his destructive personality and his often abrupt actions, but Hale knew that's actually what this situation called for. A bit of fucking destruction.


Aella had determined that the light hanging from the ceiling  wouldn't hold her weight after-all and would inevitably be a useless suicide attempt.

So now she couldn't even choose to fucking die if she wished it. She could go long periods of time without food, so she couldn't fucking starve herself. There wasn't anything she could impale herself with or cause significant injury to her person either.

All in all, she was stuck in a tiny little cell waiting to sleep to take her under so she could play the perfect little school girl to Mr Wet Dream and get him to believe she had changed her mind - changed her attitude towards him. All so he would come in there under false pretence and she could throttle him and shred his cock with her fingernails.

She could feel exhaustion wearing her down and the strings of unconsciousness tugged at her mind, so she dropped her neck, falling just on the edge of being awake and asleep. Her lids lulled closed and she knew this would be the last time she would willingly endure one of his sick dreams. She would convince him she'd changed her mind by leading him on, and then she'd fucking kill him.

And then the dream began, and she was butt fucking naked on a beach with his hand reaching down to stroke her cunt as he gently pushed his cock against her ass.

If she could, she would have rolled her eyes at the ridiculousness of this asshole. Oh for fuck's sake, this wasn't going to be easy.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2017 ⏰

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