Unforgettable stranger

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"So, how's our random bus passenger?" Taylor, Catherine's best friend, asked, as they ate lunch at their favorite restaurant.

On Saturdays when Taylor was free, they had lunch together. They were seated at their table near the window, and as usual Taylor teased Catherine about the mysterious man.

"Why would you call him that?"Catherine asked "He's more than a bus passenger."

"Really? What does he do?"

"How would I know?"

"Bet you he's not a surgeon," Taylor smirked.

Oh no, this again, Catherine thought.

"Tim is back in town hon!"

"Great," Catherine said with a dull voice.

"Want to know the first thing he asked me about?"

"Not really."

"You!" Taylor exclaimed, ignoring Catherine's reply. "He's free tomorrow afternoon. He's expecting a yes from you this time around. Want to know where he's going to take you?"

"No, I..."

"Le Cinq, most expensive restaurant in town ! Isn't it chic?"


"What?" her best friend let go of her fork and knife, folded her arms and leaned back on her chair.

 "What is it now Catherine?" Taylor continued with slight anger in her voice. "Are you going to say no to my brother again? The last time it was because you were too busy looking for work, but now you've found one so what is it?"

"Well, things are complicated at work. Actually it's quite stressful, so I don't even have enough time to..."

"Then make time!" Taylor interrupted. "You can at least spare two hours right? What's the big deal? If I didn't know any better I'd think you're avoiding him."

"Of course not!" Catherine exclaimed, then wondered if her voice was too loud, or too fake.

"Of course not," Taylor repeated imitating Catherine's voice. "Anyway, you'd better not let him down this time around."

She sat up and picked up her knife and fork to continue eating.

"He keeps pestering me," she said. "The guy's really interested in you, Lord knows why... I... I mean..."

"I'll try to call him," Catherine said with a stiff smile


They went on with their meal, and talked about random things. Taylor did not need to spell it out for Catherine. She already knew what Taylor was thinking even if she didn't say it. Why would her oh so great, amazing, and wonderful surgeon brother be interested in her.

Catherine Rogers had always been a simple girl, she led a simple life. Her parents were not able to put her through college. So, she worked hard after high school, but the money wasn't enough. It was because of some unexpected hardships, so she couldn't finish. While for others that would have been the end, Catherine just saw it as half-time. She'll be back. 

Though she didn't seem to advance, in her mind it wasn't failure. For her it was nothing more than rocks on the road she needed to clear up to keep moving forward. She encouraged herself; she's 26 after all, she still has the strength and the will to push forward. She'll definitely finish her studies, graduate from law school and become a great lawyer, no matter how long it took. Even though for now she was just a secretary at a small law firm, saving up for law school, she truly believed that through her hard work, greater things were yet to come.

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