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GARLANDS WERE HUNG FROM THE CEILING and walls. These streamers had been fashioned using string adorned with reflective baubles and sparkly bits of tinsel or foil. About two dozen teenagers were bathed in honey colored light, provided by a multitude of oil lamps and candles. In one corner, two wooden doors had been set upon sawhorses to create a buffet table, which was covered with dishes and bowls full of homemade specialities. At the back of the room, an acoustic band was setting up with antique and handmade instruments. And what struck Chloe the most was that everyone was talking, laughing, and smiling. It was rare to see everyone getting along with such joviality. Town celebrations such as the ritual offerings were often bitter sweet ceremonies where participants had forced smiles. And there were even some townsfolk who argued that any demonstration of public pleasure such as smiling should be forbidden. Those with puritanical leanings argued that the Cloud Lords had been sent to this dimension to punish mankind for its transgressions of the old civilization. And unfortunately, these zealots were gaining more and more power with the council. But tonight, it seemed that among the teenagers, even old rivalries were being set aside—the jovial atmosphere was genuine.

     Of course, Chloe immediately scanned the crowd for Wayne, and she cringed when she saw him talking to Lillian. Relax, she told herself, this is supposed to be Lillian's celebration not yours. It's only normal that Wayne might want to say 'Happy Birthday'.

     Seeing Chloe's downcast expression, Sandra said, "Why don't we check out the buffet?"

     While they perused the victuals, the acoustic band started playing. Several of the musicians were part of the town band and were quite talented. Even though they weren't playing dance numbers yet, Chloe found it hard to resist bobbing her head along to the music.

     "Jack's got his eye on you," Sandra teased. "Maybe he'll ask you for a dance later tonight."

     Chloe groaned. "Why are you always trying to set me up with Jack?"

     "Because he likes you... and if you two are paired up by the council, then I won't lose my friend at the next ritual offering."

     That was something that Sandra didn't have to worry about since her beau had already proposed, and they'd been given consent to marry. But even if it would allow her to escape being offered during ascension, Chloe couldn't imagine being married to someone as boring as Jack. The very thought had her longing for Wayne who was still engaged in conversation with Lillian. As Chloe watched, they both laughed as if one of them had told a joke. She couldn't bear how Lillian projected her ample bosom outward while flirting with him. Chloe had the urge to stomp over and intervene.

     Chloe also couldn't help noticing how amazing Wayne looked tonight. He had volunteered to be part of the brigades that were rebuilding the old roads and also defended against the Central Mountain Governorship. All that work had made him physically fit. His sublime muscles rippled under his tight t-shirt. It wasn't just the way his mop of brown hair fell across his eyes, nor his contagious smile that made Chloe love him. She was fixated upon Wayne for his good heart and fantastic sense of humor. Since junior high, they'd been best friends, and he more than anyone, knew how to make her laugh. But the time for being buddies was over. She wasn't interested in getting married merely to avoid being chosen for Ascension. She genuinely cared for Wayne. While her thoughts drifted upon Wayne's perfection, Chloe suddenly noticed him winking at her. Then, gourd of punch in hand, he sidestepped Lillian and walked straight toward her!

The Fallen Vampire -- Flux & Firmament: The Cloud LordsWhere stories live. Discover now