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Tyler stood before me, his breath reeking of alcohol.

"I can't believe you're here," he smiled, reaching out for my hand.  I slid it from his grasp quickly, furrowing my brow.  

"You're drunk."  I stated, looking around the room for Mara.  She was talking to Emmy at the kitchen counter, too consumed in conversation to notice my dilemma.  Mason stood behind me, a cigarette dangling from his lips.

"Listen, Dani-"

"No,"  I muttered, "you listen.  Leave me the fuck alone."

Tyler's face fell; his drunken expression suddenly being replaced with a scowl.

"I tried calling you," He stated, setting his drink on the table next to us.  "You were the one who decided not to call me back.  I tried to fix things."

I laughed shortly, "I don't want to fix things, don't you get that?  You cheated on me-"

"Don't go there-"

"-You were the only one with me the night my mom died, Tyler.  You betrayed me during the time when I needed you the most."

"I-I'm sorry, Danielle."  Tyler said, shaking his head.  I laughed angrily, tears brimming my eyes.

"I don't trust a word you say, anymore."  I stated solemnly.

Without another word, I pushed past Tyler and began forcing my way through the crowd.  Just as I was about to reach the front door, I felt a firm hand grasp my arm.  It pulled me back with force, lodging my breath into my throat.

"Don't you dare walk away from me,"  Tyler bellowed, earning concerned looks from several people in the crowd.  One partygoer began begging him to let me go; Tyler shot the man an angry glare before focusing his attention back on me.

"Tyler, let go."  I pleaded, grabbing at his fingers.  "You're hurting me!"

A feeling of panic rose in my throat as his grip tightened.  Tears began pouring down my cheeks as Tyler's lips turned into a manic grin.

"Let go of her!"  I heard someone shout behind him.  Within seconds, Tyler had fallen to the floor.  Red liquid poured from his nose.

"Fuck!"  Mason shouted, appearing before me.  He gripped his hand tightly, attempting to stop his knuckles from bleeding.

"Oh my god,"  I muttered, staring in horror between Mason and Tyler.  The music that had filled the living room just moments ago abruptly cut off.  A crowd had surrounded the three of us.  Within moments, Elliot and Emmy were at the front of the commotion.  

"Mason, what did you do?"  Emmy exclaimed, kneeling down before Tyler.  He angrily pulled himself up from the floor, swaying slightly as he pointed a bloody finger towards Mason.

"Fuck you, man," he slurred.  Without another word, he pushed through the crowd and burst out the front door.  Elliot angrily followed behind him.

I turned my attention back towards Mason and Emmy.  She was glancing down at his hand in horror.

"You shouldn't have done that,"  Emmy scolded.  "You're lucky it didn't happen on Bentley's campus, this time."

Mason sheepishly glanced up at me.  Emmy sighed, reaching for my hand so it could replace hers in cradling Mason's.

"Take him to the upstairs bathroom - first door on your right,"  Emmy instructed.  "I'm going to get everyone out of the house and try to find Mara and Saul."

I nodded obediently.  I silently led Mason up the stairs and into the bathroom.  Trying to ignore the fact that my hands were shaking hysterically, I searched for a hand towel.  

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