#25DaysofBieber {13}

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"Babygirl, mom just called, she invited us to her house on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day." I heard Justin say as he walked into the kitchen standing behind me as I cooked dinner.

"Jay,I don't know how we're gonna make it to everyone's houses." My parents have recently split as well making a total of 4 houses for us to try and make it to.

"Well mom said 5 both days. What time did your parents say?" He asked rubbing my back gently.

"Mom said 2 and dad said 3. What about your dad? What time will he have the babies?" I turned around to face my handsome fiancé.

"He gets them at 4." Justin sighed understanding why I was panicking.

"We can't be all these places within 4 hours justin. What are we gonna do?" I sighed turning my attention back to the food on the stove.

"Well, why don't we invite everyone over here?" He suggested. "We can just tell them like a general time and they can all come by here? I mean it's our first Christmas married. They have to respect that and understand how difficult it is to go to all of these places." He ran his fingers through my hair.

"Okay but I have absolutely nothing to cook. So with that being said, we need to go to the store like right now." I turned off the stove and moved the food to 2 plates sitting one in front of Justin. We both sat down and began to eat and talk about everything we needed to go buy at the store.

After we ate, we cleaned up and drove to the grocery store. We both got a buggy and each took half of the list. We finished shopping in almost 45 minutes.

After I finished cooking everything that needed to be cooked early while Justin called our families, we sat down on the couch together watching 'Elf '.

"Babe, it's our first married Christmas. Can you believe it?" I heard Justin's voice out of no where.

"No I can't believe it. But it's our last Christmas as not parents." I said quietly turning red. I touched my tummy gently.

"What?" Justin paused the movie not understanding what I was saying.

"Next Christmas we're gonna have a baby." I smiled softly.

"We are?" A tear dripped down his cheek and onto his shirt.

"We are." I confirmed kissing his lips.

"I can't wait to be parents with you. And to tell our families! We have to tell them tomorrow!" He said excitedly.

"Okay sounds good babe. I love you!" I kissed his lips again.

"I love both of you. I can't wait to meet you little one! I love you already!" He spoke to my tummy making me giggle.

What a great Christmas.

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