chapter eight

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"Yeah, I've been watching you all night.

There's something in your eyes,

Saying c'mon, c'mon and dance with me baby."

- One Direction [C'mon, C'mon]

As I clumsily made my way back to the kitchen, knocking over a chair in the process, both Marge and Jack looked up with concern written on their faces. Standing up and walking over to me, Marge put her hand on my shoulder in a gesture of warm reassurance. "Valarie, honey, what happened? You look as if you've seen a ghost. Who's at the door?"

I didn't really feel like explaining, so I just led her towards the door, so she could see for herself.

Thankfully, by the time we got there, Zayn and Astral had broken apart. Their faces betrayed them though; his eyes were still glowing with combined ecstasy and lust, and blood had risen to her cheeks, warming them from their cold white color. 

They looked so happy to be reunited. 

Try as I might, I couldn't find it in myself to be joyful on Zayn's behalf. Maybe it was because I missed my own mother, and it didn't look like I was going to see her again any time soon. Yes, I was sure that was the reason.

So how come my mind kept throwing the image of Zayn and Astral kissing back at me? And how come it felt like a knife twisting in my stomach every time I imagined the scene?

Probably because of the pancakes I'd eaten. Maybe I was coming down with the flu.

Zayn's eyes finally rested on me, his arm still draped about Astral's shoulder. I instantly turned away, not wanting him to see the look of dismay that had inevitably slid across my face. Instead, I stepped back, standing next to Jack and allowing Marge to do the talking.

"Who's this, Zayn?" she asked, giving Astral an apprehensive look.

"This is my boss--I mean... um... my friend. Astral. Astral, this is Marge, Jack, and Valarie." Something cracked in his voice when he said my name, though I was pretty sure I was the only one who noticed it. Did it mean anything?

Giving us all a smile, Astral said, "Look, is there anywhere I can talk to Zayn in private? I know that sounds really rude, but it's really important."

Though Marge appeared a tiny bit miffed, she gave the she-angel a quick nod. "Of course. Jack, Valarie, why don't we head back to the kitchen and let them talk?"

Jack complied, ducking back into the neighboring room. I was about to follow suit when Zayn pulled me back, wrapping his fingers around my wrist. "Wait! Er, Astral, I don't mind if Valarie listens." 

When Astral raised her eyebrows in apparent surprise, he hastened to add, "She's my Charge; she's going to be dragged along on whatever escape route you have planned. You might as well tell her the whole story."

"But Zayn-"

Coughing loudly, Marge said, "I'll just be in the kitchen." With that, she exited, though I could tell from the gleam in her eyes that she was dying to know what Astral was about to tell Zayn and I.

Shifting from foot to foot, Astral bit down on her lip. "Are you sure we can tell her? She's a human... she might not understand it completely."

I'm right here, I thought irritably. Out loud, I said, "I'm sure you'd be surprised at how much I understand." It was really hard to keep my voice from dropping into a bitter octave, but I managed quite well.

Fixing me in the commanding path of her deep blue gaze, Astral furrowed her brow. "All right, then. Did Zayn tell you about the murder?"


heartbeat // zayn malik AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن