Chapter 8: Meeting

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So she had decided to come in, after all.

Ulsper's mouth twitched upwards in an almost-smile as he leaned against the doorway to the kitchen.

"Who are you? What are you doing here? You'd better stay where you are, and if you think—"

"I invited her in, Cal," Ulsper interrupted, lowering his hood. "And stop pointing that wretched device at her—you're frightening her."

The woman's eyes widened when she saw his face.

"I know you," she said in Montese, pointing at Ulsper. "You—you're that rogue spy on all the wanted posters. You're Ulsper Speroware!"

"What is she saying?" Calatar nervously demanded, lowering his weapon. Then he furrowed his brows. "Wait—how did you get in? Did you come in through the kitchen again?"

Ulsper shrugged, unconcerned. "I might have."

"Leaky longboats, Ulsper! You know what happens if anyone sees you—"

"I needed her to see me," Ulsper defended, indicating the young woman standing in the doorway to the apartment. In Montese, he added, "Come in, please, Suthe. Don't mind Calatar, here—"

"I know you're talking about me," the redhead grumbled. "I heard my name."

"I'm just making introductions." Ulsper switched back to Montese. "We have a few things we need to discuss."

As if in a daze, Suthe took a few hesitant steps into the apartment. "How do you know my name?"

"I have my ways," Ulsper replied drily.

Suthe's mouth fell open. "You've been spying on me!"

The corner of Ulsper's mouth twitched again. "Well, I am a spy," he replied.

His comment seemed to remind Suthe of his dangerous reputation, and she suddenly took a step back.

"Why did you invite her here?" Calatar interrupted. "If she gives us away, I won't hesitate to stun her. She looks too nervous. What if our neighbors hear us?"

"Cal, would you mind going to work on your inventions for a bit?" Ulsper muttered. "I'll explain later."

Calatar sighed in frustration. "Fine, sure. I guess I could find something to do. Just don't get us arrested, or worse, okay?" He headed off down the hall, taking his stun ray with him.

Once he was gone, Ulsper turned his attention back to Suthe, who looked ready to bolt out the door at any moment.

"I'm not going to hurt you," Ulsper reassured her, careful to keep his voice steady. "I just want to talk."

"Why did you bring me here?" Suthe whispered. Her hands were shaking, and she pressed herself back against the faded wallpaper by the door.

"This information that I want to discuss with you is of the utmost importance. It needs to be kept secret from any listening ears."

Her hands were still shaking, but at least it didn't look like she would scream and alert the whole neighborhood anymore.

"Why do you want to tell me?" Suthe asked. "Why do you think I'll keep the information secret?"

Ulsper leaned in closer. "Because you're part of the secret."

Suthe's eyes widened in both confusion and alarm.

"What do you mean?" she asked, and Ulsper didn't miss the slight waver in her tone.

"Sit down, and I'll explain," Ulsper urged, closing the front door to the apartment and guiding the young woman to one of the chairs in the living room. She sat down without protest, apprehensively twisting her hands in her lap.

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