Chapter One

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Chapter One

                The woman sat quietly in the chair, planning to get out alive without giving up a single drop of information. The reflections were already beginning to fade. She could see it in the mirror on the wall. “Hang in there,” she whispered. The doorknob clicked and the man walked in, closing and locking the door behind him.




                I looked in my mirror one last time, adjusting a small hairpin. A loose red curl was left out of the elegant up-do I had arranged earlier. I smoothed out the long skirt on my dress and left my room.

                Music played throughout the halls, giving the castle a warm feeling. However, it would only play for tonight. Tonight was the night I would be presented to the rest of the world.

                It was the first time in months that I had seen anyone besides the maids my parents had sent to my room. My parents nearly fell off the side of the earth. The only thing I know is that they had business, leaving me in charge to run the kingdom. I wasn’t ready to run the kingdom. I was barely ready to leave my room.

                It was too late to turn back now.

                My heels clicked on the hard floor as I entered the ballroom. Once one person noticed me, they all stopped conversing with one another and turned to face me.

                I smiled, trying to think of something to say. “Good evening,” I offered.

                The crowed smiled at me and returned the welcome, then went back to their conversations.

                I let out a relieved sigh and started to make my way around the ballroom. A few of the guests started small conversations with me, and then got distracted by something else. They didn’t see me as their queen and I didn’t blame them. I didn’t see myself as their queen either.

                Someone tapped on my shoulder and I turned to face them. He smiled at me and bowed slightly. “Good evening, your majesty,” he said formally. “May I have this dance?” He held his hand out to me.

                “You may,” I answered and took his hand. He led me to the center of the ballroom. The music changed and we started to dance.

                He cleared his throat. “I’m sorry. I haven’t properly introduced myself. My name is Aiden.”

                “Lovely to meet you, Aiden. I’m Meldamiriel.”

                Aiden laughed softly. “I know who you are, Princess. You don’t need to tell me.”

                “Of course.” I blushed slightly and glided around the dance floor. Other couples had started to dance around us.

                “Did you arrange this ball yourself?”

                “I’m afraid not. My parents had planned it, but then they had to leave. So here I am.”

                “Well I think will do just fine as queen.”

                I smiled at him. “Thank you.” The song stopped and I pulled away from him, tucking the loose curl behind my long pointed ear. “You’re a wonderful dancer, by the way.”

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