Characters #1: Hae-Young Haddock.

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Hae-Young is one of the main characters from 'PoedelDoedel VS EVIL'. She is best friends with Kaori Morizono, and can transform in the team's 'SuperPoedel'.

Hae-Young is a friendly and outgoing girl. She easily makes friends and doesn't mind helping people out when they're in need! When she and Kaori first met Hime, she didn't like transforming into a poodle-magical girl at least one bit. Hae-Young had always been a cat person, and has taken a dislike to dogs after her cat had been bitten by a streetdog when Hae-Young was just a little girl. Hae-Young later got more acceptable of her transformation and dogs, but she still dislikes them a little. She has a crush on her classmate and ace team-player in the soccer team, Larry.  

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