{5} "Scream So Horrible"

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As the hour came and went the four of us moved silently through the woods. We moved with ease through the foliage, we moved as a single unit, myself in the middle taking point. Reaching the edge of the forest, we were met with a singular road leading into a city full of humans. Taking lead, I dropped my clothes, swiftly shifting into my human form. I twist my neck cracking the bones as I stood up from all fours and began to slip into the clothes. There were a few darker spots, wet from my saliva, but it's better than wandering into town naked. The rest of my pack shifts back, changing as well, and for the most part we looked normal; the only odd thing being we didn't exactly had shoes, too bulky to bring with us.

"Alright. Let's split up, keep to yourself, got it?" I look over to see mods of agreement before we began. Madelyn and I took the most direct path to our given point in town while the others took theirs. It was later in the morning meaning more people were up, but all were too busy with their own lives to pick up on the fact neither Madelyn or I had shoes. This gave us one advantage though, we moved ever more silently.

We began to converge on the place, my head tilts up taking a deep breath, my nostrils flaring as I catch the scent of rogue wolves. Lips twitching into a half snarl, I pick up my pace, Madelyn matching it. Seconds later we left the crowded downtown and into the old part of town; houses falling apart, streets cracks, signs faded. We reached the end of a street, but took the left until we saw finally the warehouse district. All but one warehouse were nearly collapsed due to neglect. Narrowing my gaze I spoke to Madelyn within the link.

"Take the right side, I'll take the left. Remember do not engage." She nods silently from my words, and simultaneously we begin our separate walks down the street. Each building I passed I sensed nothing, smelled nothing, until I reached the only one standing, and with a deep breath I finally caught their scent beneath the smell of rot and ruin. I fell to a crouch, behind an overgrown bush as I studied the building while also linking up with the rest of my pack and Madelyn that I'd located them. Seconds later I feel Madelyn's presence and together we watch looking for movement or signs of life.

"There." Madelyn breathes out, her eyes latching onto a shadow jumping over some debris before disappearing below. With that final piece of confirmation we began the trek back, I ordered the rest to meet us at the forest line once more.


Another hour passed as I reach out destination, stopping behind the tree line, I shift back and dress into my clothes. I stretched out my limbs, walking out into the blinding sun as my pack members flank me; dressed in their own clothes as well. My gaze latches on to four small figures running around, eyes alight with laughter and adventure. Three were boys, two of which were no older than eight, the third likely twelve or thirteen; the fourth figure was smaller, golden hair in wild curls bounced around her head, the pink ribbon barely hanging on as she ran from her 'attackers'. A smile lifts my face, starting the walk over, I catch sight of Sophie leaning on the porch watching the children play.

"Hey." I greet catching her attention, Sophie turns and returns my smile. She places her book down and walks over giving me a light squeeze of a hug, before waving to rye rest of my pack members. "You in babysitting duty?" I tease lightly, her forest green eyes narrow in annoyance but it doesn't last long as she laughs a little.

"Yeah, all their parents are in a meeting. I agreed to watch them. Did you guys find—" Her voice trails off as her eyes glaze over as if mind linking someone. But when her gaze clears up, pure unadulterated fear fills her gaze.

"Sophie? What's wrong?" I immediately ask, stepping forward and catching her gaze with my own quickly. However she looks away, her face locking into the squealing kids running around near the tree line.

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