The Beginning

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The noise almost wasn't bearable. People chattering everywhere. Parents flooding into the gym, searching for their children to congratulate them. Those who passed the finals have just gotten their certificate, everyone is ecstatic. After 12 years of school, it's finally over. Even though the majority still doesn't know what to do now, this day will not be spend with wondering about the future. Today is about celebrating.
Slowly searching for their seats, the huge crowd shuffles through the gym. There's a stage at the front, the wooden floor covered by a soft material to make it easier for the dancers. It is tradition that the graduates perform their routine at the end of the ceremony. Over 80 people will be standing on that stage in a few minutes. They had been practicing for a few weeks only, because none of them really wanted to dance. Though, that's not exactly true. One girl has been dancing for as long as she can walk. Her whole life revolves around creating routines and performing them on stage. So she came up with a few easy steps that everyone should be able to remember. She told the headmaster that she wanted to end this performance with a little choreography that only she and one teacher would carry out. To tell a story, she said. As the headmaster was proud to display those two dancing talents, he agreed. No one had seen them practicing, so no one knew what was to come.
After the headmaster announced that it was time for the dance, the audience grew quiet. The music started to play, and the graduates went up on the stage. Each row with girls was followed by one row with boys. Due to the fact that there were more girls than boys, a few male teachers filled in. As the music paused for a second, the boys took a step forward and turned the girls around, so they were in the classical dancing position. They went around each other in circles, changing partners and trying to remain in sync. Unfortunately, most of these boys don't have a sense for rhythm, which made dancing for the girls rather uncomfortable. The girl, Jess, who knows how it is supposed to look like, cringes and looks for her favorite dancing partner, the teacher. But he was occupied with his own partner, smoothly leading her through the steps.

I feel like that's how it always has been. He was always surrounded by students, and I was just one face in the big pool. But that's okay, that's the way it should be. It was enough for me to watch him interact with his pupils. And when we were to pass each other in the hallway, my whole day got better. When his eyes met mine, or I even got a mumbled 'Good morning', the butterflies in my stomach wouldn't stop for hours. I lived for those short moments. Until I realized that I need to stop behaving like a lovesick fool. This crush would end someday, I convinced myself. And surely, after six weeks of summer vacation, I stopped thinking about him. The first week was bad, I googled him and found a few pictures in the local newspaper. Then I checked the school's homepage for his first name . But later on I was so busy binge watching every series that was available on amazon prime, that I almost forgot how his face looked like. Back at school, I felt like I didn't even have a crush on him in the first place.

The first part of the performance is over. Even though there was a lot of toe-stepping involved, at least no one tripped. After the 'Class Of 2014' climbed down the few steps from the stage, only the girl and the teacher remain in their positions. Jess slowly steps forward, one foot in front of the other, her arms raised like a ballerina, her eyes focosing on the back wall of the gym. She brings herself closer to the end of the stage, which had rounded edges. Taking another step forward, she slips. The audience cries out in horror as they watch her falling from the stage. And suddenly there is his hand, grabbing her outstretched arm and pulling her back up. Not noticing the audience's relieved sighs, Jess finds herself pressed against the teacher's body, staring into his eyes. Even though they're barely out of breath, they can hear each others heartbeat racing.

I'm in a hurry. It was the end of the first week, and I've just been at the library to get my books for this semester. I fiddled with my schoolbag because I didn't get the books in properly. As I was already late and extremely hungry, I walked quickly without looking where I was going. So when I missed a step and realized I might not get out of this unscathed, my only thought was 'hopefully my legs won't be hurt so I can drive home and finally get something to eat'. But before I actually hit the ground, two strong arms grabbed me under my shoulders and lifted me up again. Completely shocked I turned around and found myself looking in his beautiful eyes. After a few seconds too long, he let go of my arms, cleared his throat and asked if I was okay. I was still trying to process this tingling feeling that has spread from the places he had touched to everywhere in my body. No, I'm not okay. This feeling is going to haunt me forever now. And I'm definitely not ever forgetting his beautiful face again. Instead I answered 'Thank you so much! I was afraid I would die hungry as fuck'. He laughed out loud. Oh that sound! But then he had to turn his teacher mode on again 'No swearing, Jess'. Of course, I was cheering inside, never would I've expected that he knew my name. When he said he would accompany me down the stairs to make sure I made it to lunch in one piece, I felt like my chest would explode. We made smalltalk about what we would have for lunch, and he complained that he would be stuck with the food from the cafeteria because he still had classes in the afternoon. As we arrived at the ground floor, he opened the door for me and placed his hand lightly on the small of my back. Regaining my composure after a few seconds, I breathed a 'thanks' and watched him smile before he turned around to make his way towards the cafeteria.

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