My Bullying Story-

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My story is a long one. I've always felt insecure and never completely happy. I don't remember much of my early life and childhood. The bullying started around 3rd or 4th grade. I would get made fun of because of having glasses and the way I looked. By 4th grade there were just individuals who would make fun of me because I wasn't very smart. By 5th grade more people started to make fun of me. Because of the clothes I would wear or my face. I would get blackmailed and just treated badly. I went to a different school for middle school. During 6th grade things had gotten better. There had been a lot of drama and it just made me so much more stressed and insecure. By 7th grade I had become so insecure I didn't talk at all. I heard that just not talking can be a anxiety copping thing. By 8th grade is where the bullying really started to happen. There was this one kid who I had a massive crush on. He would flirt with me and just mess around. Then I started getting called names and getting pushed or tripped into walls. That year ended and I didn't like him that much. By 9th grade things were good. I would still get called names and get tripped, then there was a high school trip thing. And this boy and I would mess around and hold hands and that stuff, it continued into 3 months of 10th grade. By 10th grade it started to get worse. Things with my family were getting complicated. The bullying became worse. I was struggling with self-harm. I stopped. There were more verbal and physical things with the bullying, I would get told to kill myself or to die in a hole. I would get punched and kicked and shoved in the hallways. Lots of crying. There was just so much bad stuff going on. I don't like him now for the things he has done. It's just odd that someone can change so much in just a couple of months. Sorry for not going into too much detail. It's hard to talk about.

Things are slowly getting worse. I appreciate your comments that you have made. The bullying has started again and is slowly getting worse. I am not able to move schools and i am with this person 6 hours a day. Then he isn't allowed to get expelled because of his dad being a sponsor for the school, which is complete bull. It isn't fair and this person bullies multiple people but it is directed towards me. I've been dmed and abused multiple times physically and verbally for almost 3 years. I'm not asking for any pity or anything. I'm just here to tell about my bullying story.

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