22 Apprentice

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"Arts of the Magii. This Tome must be read along with the Statutes of the Magii, as the aforementioned record contains vital regulations without which catastrophic results may come from the practise of any of the Arts recorded in this Tome. It is assumed that any Apprentice or Mage who reads this Tome is learned in The Way, and has read the Book, without the knowledge of which it is impossible to accurately interpret this Tome's content.

*Seekuns (Oceanic Arts)                  Pages 1 -203

*Woudkuns (Green Arts)                   Pages 204 – 486

*Sandkuns (Sand Arts)                     Pages 487 – 615

*Yskuns (Ice Arts)                              Pages 616 – 888

*Vuurkuns (Fire Arts)                         Pages 889 – 1024

*Staalkuns (Metal Arts)                     Pages 1024 – 1367

*Lugkuns (Air Arts)                            Pages 1367 – 1602

*Stêrkuns (Star Arts)                          Pages 1602 – 1998

*Dierekuns (Animal Arts)                  Pages 1999 – 1400

*Menskuns (The Forbidden Art)      Pages 1400 – 2000"

~ The Second Tome of The Magii (Written in the Time of the Immortals)


    With a dry mouth, Färin watched the hooded stranger. She hadn't said anything in at least five minutes. Five long minutes. He couldn't tell if she was pleasing to the eye or not. Her face was covered with the hood and her figure slouched, in shadow and a dark coat. Färin licked his lips, unsure of what came next.

    'Listen, I don't know who you are, but you scared me skinless earlier on and if you don't plan on at least telling me your name and what your business is, you can kindly depart from my fire and leave us be.' Färin did not sound sure of himself at all, because he wasn't.

    The fire felt hotter, his hands clammier.

    The woman lifted her face a little bit and the tip of a white nose peeked out from under her voluminous hood. Is that the edge of a lip? It looked round and supple. Färin wanted to know what she looked like with a building eagerness.

    'Who I am is not important,' she answered raspily, after a lengthy silence.

    Oh. Disappointing.

    'I came to warn you, Färin.'

    How does she know my name? Sorcery, of course! Oh, my life is dripping with its poison these days.

    'The Dark One knows where you are. The Dark One will be the end of you, your precious Asrya, your little Sheyå... If you do not protect Sheyå, if you do not fight for her... I fear you are in more danger now than you realise.'

    What wonderful news. Destruction, doom, imminent death. Sounds marvellous. Färin sighed.

    'And who is this Dark One everyone keeps talking about?' he asked.

    Can this veiled woman be trusted? Probably not. She'll probably try to kill me in my sleep, take Sheyå for herself. That nervous, half-crazy gleam came into Färin's eye. He licked his lips and stretched his hands back out towards the fire. His gaze darted between the woman, Sheyå and the fire, calculating his next moves.

Stormchild: Emeline and the Forest MageDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora