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Dear Isabelle,

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Dear Isabelle,

Oh, how I loved the sound of your name. I used to say it, you know, quietly, to myself. I used to whisper it in the dark when I couldn't sleep, so it would almost feel like you were with me.

And then when I saw you again, I would hug you so tightly and breathe in the smell of you, that perfume that smell like pine trees and fresh air and safety.

Because you made me feel safe.

I slept when you were with me. And when you woke up in the night and couldn't tell if it was a dream or not that I was dead, you would reach out for me, and I would be there for you, and you would be there for me and it was fucking brilliant.

God. I'm a mess.

I'm a mess without you. You made me feel human.

And now he's taking over. Him. The Void.

He's in my head and he's here and God, I can feel him combing through my memories, and I can feel him in my head...

I'm fighting him, Isabelle, but I don't know how much longer I can fight.

I wonder where I'll go when he takes over.

I hope you'll be there.


The amazing crackship gif above was made by the wonderful DheekshaGokul ! Thanks so much for making it for me 💞

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