Chapter 11

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America's POV

     I wake up feeling bare. Really bare. My eyes are closed and I'm so tired I don't even want to think or open them until I hear a soft snore next to me. My eyes pop open and I take in my surroundings.

Oh great! 

     It takes me a few seconds to regain my memories of what happened last night. I can't believe me and Maxon did it. I could get pregnant. I'm not on any birth control because I didn't expect to have sex and if I remember correctly Maxon was completely bare... and big. But that's not the point we're not even married if I were to get pregnant... stop it America you have to do it a lot to get pregnant and I don't think I'm ovulating which is good. So I won't get pregnant. 

I look at Maxon. He looks so peaceful, so calm. I don't want to wake him up so I attempt to get out of bed calmly trying not to rattle it and getting out of his hold without him waking up. It's an excercise but I finally get it. 

I put on the nightgown from last night quickly so I can get out of the room before Maxon wakes up because It will be awkward when last night we did it with eachother. When I closed the door I quickly walk to my room and hurry into bed before my maids come into my room to get me ready. I think I slept in late so I'm not exactly sure if I missed breakfast or it's really early. 

As soon as I arrive to my room I sit on the bed and wait for my maid to come. They come in about 7 minutes later and get me ready. They keep passing looks to eachother and I makes me wonder what they're thinking about.

My maids prepare me for breakfast and I leave headed toward the great room. While I pass I notice more guards on watch, I immediatly know its from the rebel attack because it was very serious yesterday.

When I get to the great room and start eating I see Maxon through the see through glass adjusting his tie quickly before walking in like he was in a hurry. He greeted his father and mother and he kissed me on the lips quickly making me involentaly blush before sitting down right next to me.

Half way through breakfast Maxon rests his hand on my thigh. It's hard not to think about it because I feel tingles all over my body and shivers where his hand rests. I sneak a peek at him. He looks so handsome today. I don't know what it is but I could smell cologne or something but it wasn't very strong. 

I feel important when I'm next to him, like an adult, or mature. I don't know what it is. Eventaully the king started talking about meetings and assigned Maxon a job right after breakfast so Maxon finished eating fast and then excused himself. I knew I wouldn't see Maxon until really late so I rushed to the door before he walked out so I could talk to him for a second. Maxon walked me out for a second and kissed me. He was so quick it took me a second to realize what was going on until I kissed back. Too soon he pulled back.

"I might be back during dinner, but either way I'm tugging my ear." He whispers in my ear and then kisses me again slower as a silent goodbye. I walk back into the great room with a big smile on my face.

Throughout the day I read a full book from start to end, and I can't help but get addicted to the characters. I didn't even notice it was time for dinner until a maid in the library told me my maids wanted to get me ready for dinner. I didn't even eat lunch. 

Dinner was uneventful. The king announced that he was leaving to go to new Asia for a week alone for business. I was only glad Maxon didn't go. Even though new Asia has been doing really good these past years there's still a lot of tension between Illea and new Asia and the thought of Maxon going there just makes me uncomfortable. I feel bad for the queen to have to go through that. Maxon didn't show up for dinner either so I was pretty much alone.

After dinner I was just beginning the second book of the series when I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and Maxon smiled tiredly. I opened the door more to have him come in. He walked to the bed and laid on it. I sat on the bed until he pat on the spot right next to him. When I laid right next to him he put his arms around me and he started talking,

"I had such a long day. The advisors keep pushing and pushing for me to do certain things and its so irritating." Maxon finishes rubbing his temples with one hand holding me close to him in the other. 

"I'm sorry." I say looking at him resting my head on his chest.

"How was your day?" He asks looking up at the ceiling. 

"Good I read a book." I say and he hums in response.

"Are you tired?" I ask. He nods while his eyes are closed. I sigh and close my eyes to falling asleep.

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