Chapter One

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A simple thing, my father had told me this morning. So simple, I'll be bored.

Looking over the ballroom swarming with shifters, I can't help but disagree. Death is a simple thing. A party is not. A party involves perfume and champagne and dancing. God, the dancing. How am I supposed to keep watch over the guests if they refuse to stay in one place?

A fluttering mass of white darts through the steadily moving crowd, effectively catching my attention. I groan under my breath, eyes trailing after Prince D'Leon as he yet again tries to tornado-style forge his own path. At least that's what I assume his objective is, because it certainly cannot be to impress the many snickering ladies with his prowess on the dancefloor.

Sighing, I look longingly upon the dais where my parents stand on either side of our young Alpha King. Way up by that sparkling gold platform they can see everything, see Prince D'Leon and the women who laugh behind their hands and the glasses that clink together every few seconds, but they don't have to smell it. The room is thick and heavy with scents. Even here on the second floor, I can smell the bitterness of the alcohol, the overwhelming sweetness of perfume and recently washed clothes. It all swirls and mixes, giving way every now and then for a slight wiff of sweat.

My eyes narrow. A simple affair, indeed.

My father must think so, what with being so far removed from the crowds, but here on the frontlines that is far from the truth. The truth of the matter is the opposite for the rest of us. A quick glance to my right and I can clearly make out the scowl on my cousin from the Klenova Branch's face. Even with the shadows cast by the poor lighting concealing most of his features, there's no mistaking the annoyed glint in his eyes or the sneer pulling the muscles of his face taut.

Another fluttering, white Prince D'Leon tornado draws my gaze away, my own scowl more likely than not appearing on my face. I understand my cousin's irritation well. This is not what I came here for. My missions were to be important.

I came to take my place beside the King and intimidate his foes and allies alike into meeting his demands. I had plans. I wanted to work long days and long nights, save his life enough times to be raised from a captain to a commander in his army. Instead, I'm standing on the alcoves above a party, watching some little prince in white fumble about as my parents get the ear of the King.

I don't bother to look towards the trio, perfectly aware of what I'll see there. My parents, with their proud posture and alert, gray eyes, will be looking out over the ballroom just like me, occasionally looking away to speak directly into the ear of the young boy sitting on the throne.

Despite everything, my family, my training, I'm disappointed to have such an ordinary child for a leader. The Alpha King is supposed to be the Alpha among Alpha werewolves, so frieghtening to look upon that our enemies shrivel up at just the thought. Instead of our past ruler who cut such a profound figure that portraits were made and sold in his honor, I have to try and picture a scrawny little twelve-year-old as my great King.

He sits awkwardly with one thin, long leg thrown over the other, his too large feet encased in brown leather. His puny chest and shoulders are practically consumed by the black lion's mane cape that his father had worn, making him seem even more unfit for the position than the lopsided, too-big-to-even-bother-trying-to-wear crown on his head. Stifling my uncertainty at letting this child inherent the throne, I turn my attention to the party. It's not my place to challenge his claim. The only thing I can do is hope that word gets out sooner rather than later that he's so small and weak.

As soon as my gaze falls on the crowd below, I unconsciously look for the white peacock that is Prince D'Leon. The fool is like a beacon no matter how many times I've done this. That gharishly flamboyant mane of silvery white hair standing out as well as if he'd painted a target on the top of his head. This time, however, I don't see him.

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