Part 2

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Skyle saw her mom and dad packing up clothes and food into bags, all the things they needed.

"I'm so glad your home safe Skyle. Please go upstairs and pack everything you need. Their is a zombie virus outbreak, and this house cannot hold back all those people." Lenda told Skyle, scared, packing in her white shirt in her bag.

Skyle's eyes widened, and her blood froze over at the news she received.

Just when her life is just getting a little better this just happened.

Not fair!

Skyle felt herself crying, if she left this town and to the cabin west of this town, she wouldn't see Eli or anyone in along time now...

"Yes, mom." and she hurried to her room holding back her tears from falling down to the floor in distress.


Okay, Elijah Evans was beyond mad.

The reason was very simple.

On his way home from school, he ran into a middle age man, and the said man lunged at him with hate and with no hesitation at all and he was forced to fight back. The man actually tried to bite him anywhere, and with one clean hit to the man head, he fell like a sack of potatoes. Which is pretty much easy, the hit wouldn't knock a normal person out.

Eli stood over the mans body, wiping his lip. His lip bled, a dark red. The blood traveled down his lip and dropped to the ground below him and the man.

He then cursed, wiping his lip again with the back of his hand.

"What the heck is happening?" He said out loud, looking the man over. The man he knocked out was very pale. He was almost all the way bald, and he looked very much weak.

'the zombie virus?'

Eli then looked on the ground for his iPod that he dropped moments when the man attacked him, and he saw it on the ground...Smashed, the scene is smashed in. He or the man could of step on it during the struggle.

He then kicked the man on the floor with his black combat boots hard.

"You destroyed my iPod." He hissed, at him before he heard a mixture of moans-



coming close to him, and he looked at the side and saw two people walking sideways, hair lost and very pale. There eyes were even dull color, without much life within them.

A sudden wave of fear entered Eli's system and the urge of runaway, came over him more powerful then to stay and fight.

He begin to run.

He step on his broken iPod, didn't stop to pick up the broken pieces.

His footsteps radiated through out the sidewalk and area range, but he did not stop to silence his steps.

Fear had reached his heart and held it captive.

He saw one more zombie like person in front of his path, and he slid sideways, and then to his left in a pattern, dodging the zombie attempt to get a hold of him, he kept on running. He's almost home anyway, he cannot stop running now.

One time he decided to go to school is when this crap happens. His treasure is broken and it was all this zombie virus fault. Where it came from anyway?

When he finally arrived home it was silent.

It wasn't suppose to be this silent in his house, seeing how dramatic his mother is about stuff.

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