Robin and Robbin'

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He was catching up, and he was fast. Why do I always have to run away from the lie? Why do I never face the fact that I am not who they say I am? I will not pay for something I didn't do!

The angry grocery shop owner ended up chasing me down seven streets, screaming, "Come back here! I want my watermelons back!" with a shaking fist before realizing that no one was taking care of his shop. I watched as he turned back, shouting something that sounded suspiciously like, "I'll deal with you after my shop closes!"

I made sure to see him walk all the way back to the shop before I turned around and headed home.

"Robin Opal Bircher! I got the watermelons you wanted!" I shouted as I took off my shoes in the house. My twin sister immediately bounded down the stairs again, eyeing the watermelons hungrily. I hid them from her sight, and she whimpered.

"You're not having any watermelon, because I was chased down the street again when I mentioned that I was you!" I said firmly.

Opal sighed and darted behind my back. Sadly, my slow reflexes didn't allow me to react fast enough and she stole the watermelon from my grasp.

"Oh, Alice, how many times have I told you? You don't have to do everything I say," Opal said with a smirk as she gazed down at the fruit lovingly. I made a futile attempt to steal it back, but she held it just out of my reach.

"Even if I didn't mention my name, they would've thought I was you anyway," I grumbled as she headed off to the kitchen to prepare the watermelon.

"Well, it's not my fault. Don't you love eating watermelon?"

I sighed.

"Maybe instead of being the city's most notorious criminal, you could get a real job," I hinted.

Opal looked at me sharply, as though she were offended.

"Are you joking? Being a thief is a real job! Besides, you eat as much food as I put on the table and you use everything that I bring home," she said, miffed.

I smirked internally. If only she knew what I actually did with the food she brought home.

"Well, I'm off to prepare for my real job," she said in my face. "I'll be back around six tomorrow morning. Make sure you have breakfast ready. I want French toast tomorrow."

I rolled my eyes and bowed like a butler.

"Yes, my lady. Of course. Your wish is my command."

As my sister grinned, I glanced over at the sink and groaned. It seemed as though my dear sister had taken it upon herself to use as many dishes as possible.

Opal noticed that I had seen the amount of dishes in the sink and grinned even wider, if possible.

"Have fun, dear sister," Opal called as she ran up the stairs to dress properly for her night raid.

I sighed and pulled on a pair of rubber gloves.

No matter, I thought to myself. I'll feel better when I help the poor later on.


It was almost three in the morning when I heard my sister climb out the window. I'd been up in bed with a book and a lamp on, waiting for that fateful swish of the window opening.

As soon as I heard it, I bolted over to my sister's wardrobe and grabbed one of her classic all-black raid outfits, praying that I wouldn't tear it like I did last time. It had been hard to convince her that it had ripped in the wash.

I suited up for the night to come, grabbing a black sack while I went to snatch some of my sister's more costly steals: some caviar that was still fresh, two passion fruit, a couple mouse traps, and five dragon fruit. I thought about the silliness of it all, and how it all started.

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