Part III

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Mirax walked alongside Cassian and Jyn towards the U-wing they would be taking to Jedha. She'd had enough time to grab a bag of clothes and other supplies from the room she and Moria shared, but hadn't bothered changing out of the clothes she'd worn to Coruscant—though she had traded her red boots for a more practical black pair.

They had just reached the ship when a voice called, "Captain Andor!" Mrax's recognized General Draven's voice, his tone one of utmost seriousness.

"General Draven," Cassian said, almost sounding reluctant to see what the general wanted. "Give me a moment."

"No rush," Jyn muttered as Cassian walked over to see what Draven had to say. The two women climbed into the ship, Mirax making her way to the cockpit—while she couldn't fly the ship, she could start powering the ship up so it would be ready to go when Cassian rejoined them. As she walked, she passed a familiar droid standing at the comm unit. K-2SO towered over Mirax's small frame, forcing her to tilt her head back to smile at him in greeting.

K-2 nodded at Mirax, then looked over her head at Jyn. "I'm Kay-Tuesso," the droid introduced himself. "I'm a reprogrammed Imperial droid."

Jyn didn't looked impressed. "I remember you," she said flatly. Mirax assumed she was talking about the prison colony she'd been brought from.

"I see the Council is sending you with us to Jedha," K-2 observed.

"That's right, Kay-Tu," Mirax confirmed.

"That is a bad idea," K-2 said. "I think so, and so does Cassian. Mirax would, too, if she wasn't so optimistic. But what do I know? My specialty is just strategic analysis."

A moment after K-2 finished speaking, Cassian caught up with them. "You met Kay-Tu?" he asked as he joined Mirax in the cockpit.

"Charming," Jyn replied.

"He tends to say whatever comes into his circuits," Cassian explained. "It's a by-product of the reprogram."

"Why does she get a blaster and I don't?" K-2 asked. Mirax was initially confused by the questioned—she almost always carried a blaster and the two of them had worked together in the past—but realized he wasn't talking about her when she looked over her shoulder. Jyn sat in one of the ship's seats, Cassian's bag open at her feet and a blaster in her hand.

"I know how to use it," Jyn defended herself when Cassian gave her an unapproving glare.

"That's what I'm afraid of." Cassian held out a hand for the blaster. "Give it to me."

Jyn didn't give up the weapon. "We're going to Jedha," she argued. "That's a war zone."

"That's not the point," Cassian said. "Where's you get it?"

Jyn shrugged. "I found it."

"I find that answer vague and unconvincing," K-2 weighed in on the argument.

Jyn and Cassian stared each other down while Mirax watched from behind K-2's chair. "Trust goes both ways," Jyn finally pointed out.

Cassian hesitated to reply. He glanced over his shoulder at Mirax as if silently asking for her opinion. Mirax just arched an eyebrow—one thing she could do that Moria couldn't—as a way of telling him that it was his call. Cassian looked back at Jyn, who met his stare once again. He finally turned away and stalked to the pilot's seat.

"You're letting her keep it?" K-2 questioned. If it was possible for a droid to sound offended, K-2 managed to do it. "Would you like to know the probability of her using it against you? It's high."

"Let's get going," Cassian ordered, acting like he hadn't heard K-2's last comment.

"It's very high."

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