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It was three in the morning and Jiwon was finally tired enough to decide that it was the best to go to sleep now.
He went to the bathroom brushed his teeth, stripped of his pants and his shirt and crawled into his bed.

He almost fell asleep but his noisy ringtone woke him up. With sleepy eyes he swiped the button on his phone from left to right and held his phone to his ear.

Are you awake?" A suspiciously known voice asked.

„Is that you, Hanbin?" It seemed like Jiwons sleepiness just flew away.

„Yes... it's me. I don't really know why I called you but I.... I somehow missed your voice.... so I decided to call you. I hope you're not busy right now?"

„no, no, no! I'm not busy. It's just weird that you're calling me at this time. Is everything fine? Usually you're not those kind of people who just call others because you've missed them..."

„well, actually" Hanbin started to speak. „You know what? Just forget it. It's not important. It was stupid to call you, I'm sorry."

„No no no!!" Jiwon interrupted him. „please don't hang up!! I'm happy that you've called me and I swear that I won't ask you again those kind of question."

Hanbin started to blush a bit while hearing those words from jiwons mouth. „okay. But that was a promise kim jiwon. Don't you ever dare to forget that."

„I won't!" Jiwon smiled brightly. „but you need to promise me something too!"

„and that would be what?"

„I don't care what the time says or in what kind of situation it ist but please call me if you fell like you're alone or if you're depressed about something. I'm your friend and it is my duty to help you and make you happy if you need it."

Hanbin slowly started to smile and nodded „promised"

I finally finished writing the next chapter and I'm so so so sorry that it took so long but my life stresses me out and it's so hard to find motivation and free time at the same time so please forgive me guys q-q

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