Chapter 2

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"I see him." Alex points towards a tiny mom-and-pop grocery store, the sun is barely up. "He's over there." I stop the car and the slam of our car doors thunks against the chassis of our black SUV. We take quick steps while reaching into the back of our waistbands slipping our hands over our guns ready to yank them out if necessary. There aren't too many people out this morning because it's so fucking early. I'm not worried about anybody seeing us carrying and causing a panic. Alex trots two steps behind me watching my back and scanning the area while I keep my gaze firmly rooted on the piece of shit who owes us money.

"Hey Rocco," I stretch my arm out to grab him by his jacket to pull him behind the building when I realize standing in the shadows is someone else. Caesar!

Rocco's hands immediately fly up surrounding his face and he freezes. I am stunned by what I see but I recover narrowing my eyes.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I spit, probing the situation.

Caesar smiles at me in that way that makes you want to slap the shit out of someone.

"I'm just having a conversation with my old friend, Rocco." He slaps him on the back and Rocco looks like he is going to piss his pants. My scowl was answer enough that I didn't approve of what they were doing on our turf.

"I think that Rocco did a bad thing. I think he borrowed from both sides of the street."

"I can pay it back." His voice rattles, stuck.

"It seems we have two problems right now." I reveal, ominously. "Rocco, I want my money now. Not later. And Caesar knows better than to lend you any." I cross my hands over my chest and feel the weight of Alex's pistol arm resting on my shoulder pointed at Rocco's temple. He is visibly shaking with his eyes slapped shut.

"Wait... Wait..." he pleads. "Alex, I've got some right here. I have a grand... Hold on..." His wobbly hand reaches into his pocket and he hands to me the green rectangle papers that flip in my hand revealing one thousand dollars.

"Thank you," I say. "You are paid up for the next two weeks. Good job Rocco." I slap him on the back for good measure.

"Now to the next problem. Are you borrowing from Caesar, Rocco?" He darts a glance at Caesar but addresses me."

"No, Carlo. That would be wrong. Against the rules. I wouldn't fucking do that."

Alex's gun is trained on Rocco unwavering despite the fact I got the money.

I stare at Caesar. "Yes, Rocco that would be wrong. Follow the rules and no one gets fucked up."

The elderly store keeper comes outside to lift the metal door protecting his glass fronted shop readying to start the day. He startles, surprise widens his eyes and he grows still. Alex quickly takes his gun out of view.

"Good morning," I offer congenially.

Caesar and Alex mumble good morning too. Rocco can't find his voice. The shopkeeper shuffles back inside.

"Well, have a good day gentleman," Caesar says falsely with his face contorted in an emotionless mask. He turns unafraid of us and walks away.

I don't think he is going far. I know he has some unfinished business with Rocco and we interfered.

"Rocco," I warn. "Don't fuck with me."

He nods his head in rapid succession. I give him a smack across the back of the head letting him know without any words that I know what the hell is going on and it better fucking stop.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2017 ⏰

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