park ara.

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iikookie: well dinner last week was fun
iikookie: wanna go bowling or something tonight?
iikookie: no rails tho
iikookie: rails are for suckers

Read 12:34pm

iikookie: hyeriin??
iikookie: hello

Read 12:34pm

iikookie: you're reading my messages
iikookie: what's wrong?

hyeriin: i just got back from the cemetery

iikookie: why?

hyeriin: fucking hell jungkook
hyeriin: "why?"
hyeriin: it's been one year since she's gone
hyeriin: she died today jungkook
hyeriin: and you have the nerve to ask me out for bowling?

iikookie: look hyeriin

hyeriin: no you look jungkook
hyeriin: look at us
hyeriin: i went on a date with my dead best friends boyfriend

iikookie: hyerin stop

hyeriin: i should have died instead
hyeriin: then you would have been happy with ara

iikookie: hyerin don't ever fucking say that

hyeriin: why can't i say that
hyeriin: i know that what you're thinking
hyeriin: and what half of the school is thinking as well

iikookie: i have never thought that

hyeriin: well god knows what you're thinking since you forgot about today

iikookie: i didn't forget about today
iikookie fucks sake hyerin
iikookie: i tried to forget
iikookie: but i cant
iikookie: she's the first person i ever loved
iikookie: she.. god i can't even explain it
iikookie: every time she said good bye my heart broke
iikookie: i loved her
iikookie: i love her

hyeriin: that's more of a reason for us to stop seeing each other

iikookie: hyerin fucking stop

hyeriin: stop?
hyeriin: okay ill stop
hyeriin: actually why don't we both stop
hyeriin: ill stop loving you and you stop pretending to love me

iikookie: hyerin
iikookie: i dont pretend to love you

hyeriin: how do i know that jungkook?
hyeriin: how to i know that you just "love" me because i'm the only things that reminds you of ara?

iikookie: hyerin

hyeriin: let's call it quits kook
hyeriin: for ara's sake

love defined // jjk [COMPLETED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora