Chapter 16

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I will be changing some events that occurred in the Lord of the Rings, Return of the King. Hope you enjoy.

Linwaethiel rode for three days and her horse began to tire before they shot over a hill and the white city could be seen over the grasslands. She looked towards the smaller city in view of Minas Tirith and saw Osgiliath being swarmed by orcs. She visibly paled but set off until she had to stop by an image flicking across her mind. A man who looked similar to Boromir was lying on the ground being dragged along by a horse. Coming back to herself Linwaethiel nudged her horse a desperate feeling now in her chest as she raced towards Osgiliath.

Linwaethiel's POV

I raced towards the city and felt the horse stumble in exhaustion. I reached the back of the city and slowed down keeping my senses at their peak. I got off my mare and whispered instructions in her mind as I pulled out my bow and arrow, starting to creep forwards as I heard noises in the distance. I listened intently as the men cried out and the orcs roared. I ran forwards on silent feet my sensitive ears picking up on all the movement in front of me. As I rounded a corner I cursed myself as I stumbled upon twenty orcs standing on front of me. I ground my teeth as I began to fire off rounds of arrows, killing orcs before switching weapons. I made it through all of them but heard more running towards me as the last two screamed out. I kept silent as I hid behind a wall, climbing up it and making my way around the edge of the wall. I leaped across a gap and ran along the broken roofs. I pulled myself up and looked down as men were being slaughtered.

On the ground I saw men and horses already dead or dying and quickly scanned the ground for the man I was looking for. There was nothing I could do for the few men still charging forwards under fire from orc arrows. Finally finding him I quickly ran down a broken flight of stairs before jumping across the gap, remaining undetected by the orcs. I pulled out my bow and arrow firing off some of the orcs. I moved quickly, trying to confuse them of where the person firing was. I fired again and men started looking around until and orc cried out.

"Elf scum!" Orcs started screaming and I fired off more arrows before running into the fray, whistling for my horse. The men around me were surprised as I continued to fire off arrows and killed many orcs, all who were replaced by other orcs. The men began to wane even further and I managed to get their attention with a second whistle causing all the surviving horses to rise or gather closer. The men noticed and raced forwards as I grabbed the young man that looked like Boromir dragging him on to my horse before I felt searing pain in my shoulder. I cried out but pushed my horse forwards followed by the men all calling out. Hearing a screech I looked up and saw a flying Fellbeast. I felt the wound on my shoulder sear and winced as I tried keeping the man in front of me up on my horse. I urged the horses to go faster in elvish and felt the horse beneath me push faster. We soon reached the walls of Minas Tirith having only lost a  few men along the way. Many may still be alive, but none of us could afford to retrieve them.

The gates opened and men called out as we trotted in. I felt eyes on me but I struggled to make out faces. Trying to focus I moved my shoulder increasing my vision by a searing pain shooting through my body. I looked up and saw men rushing to take the man in front of me away, placing him on a litter and carry him away before some men reach for me. Right before I can move a wave of dizziness came over me and I tumbled sideways, the wrong side of the horse landing heavily on the ground. My hood came off revealing my face. The men I had saved saw me and gasped many of them muttering the word woman and elf before I faded away.

I awoke a few moments later and saw Gandalf by my bedside. He smiled as I struggled upwards. I sat up and looked at him.

"You are one lucky child, my Lady." I smiled at him before I spun so my feet were on the ground. "You should really rest."

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