Through Heaven and Hell

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Seeing as I'm not too religious, this is going to be interesting. And please, don't hate on the Atheism stuff.


I think there's a pick-up line that goes something like, "Did it hurt?" To which you may answer, "Did what hurt?" And then the oh-so-suave reply, "Did it hurt when you fell from Heaven?"

Well, I can tell you. It hurt like 'a-God-forsaken-word-I'm-not-allowed-to-utter.' Except I didn't really fall, per-say. I was kicked out. For something I didn't even do. You'd probably think everything is perfect and fair up there, but it's not. Ever since large numbers of Christians have started converting to Atheism, the Angels have split into two sides, the Light Side, and the Dark Side. I know, original, right?

The Light Side Angels believe that Christianity should remain as it has been forever, and the Dark Side Angels believe that Christianity should begin adapting some more modernized customs, to appeal more to the younger generation. Needless to say, the Light Side is made up of mostly older angels, and the Dark side is made up of the younger ones. You are to choose your side when you turn eighteen. I was to choose my side next November. But now I never will.

My parents were on the Light Side, and constantly pressured me to join them. I probably would have picked the Light Side anyway. The Dark Side Angels can tend to be... a little rebellious, I guess you could say. And the fact that Dark Angels were getting kicked out of Heaven practically every minute scared me a little. And besides, who wants the hassle?

But then the unmentionable happened. The Light Leader, Abernathy Hall, was locked out of Heaven and left to die. When angels are locked out, not kicked out, they fall into the clouds, and pretty much dissolve into the air. But anyway, Light Leader Hall was locked out, and the perpetrator could not be identified. Until someone discovered a trail. A trail that led to me.

I was taken to the Higher Courts, found guilty, and would have ultimately been sentenced to death, had I been eighteen at the time. But instead, I was kicked out, and forced to survive in the real world.

Again, for something I didn't even do.

Now, because it's Heaven, they cut you a little slack. I can still visit my friends and family (if they even want to see me), but only on the Heaven-to-Hell Bridge, the only passageway between Heaven and anything below. But I lost my wings. My beautiful, linen-white wings.

The Higher Courts enrolled me in College. Having already completed all high school level education, it didn't make sense for me to take my "senior year" of high school, so I skipped straight to college. It was some small, local college in Wisconsin, where I would be remembered as only a face. I start tomorrow. Wish me luck.

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