Episode 44: a life unlived part 1

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They didn't know what to do. Or how to act.
Everything seemed to get blurry, still.
Anne and George sat down on a white chair in the waiting room. They didn't know what to say to each other. Or how to act around each other.
They were divorced but they felt like they needed each other as friends. As Amy's parents.
Ricky was the only one trying to figure out why. Why this was happening? Why they didn't see this coming? He stood still in the same hallway. Waiting for news.
They could only hope for the best, and for Amy and the baby to come out alive.
Doctor Worthly would keep them on the loop. He was not Amy's surgeon. He was just a doctor stepping in whenever something would go wrong.

"Mr. Underwood?"
Ricky looked surprised. Doctor Worthly stood in front of him.
"You're not married to Ms. Juergens but you're the father of her child so i need you to step in my office to sign some paperwork, if that's okay with you?"

Ricky nodded.
He felt like he didn't have a choice after all.

They walked into Dr. Worthly's office.
He took a seat.
"What kind of documents do i have to sign?" He asked, worried.

"These are documents we have to get signed just in case."

Ricky looked wondered. "In case for what?"

Doctor Worthly looked back at a scared looking young man who's life was about to change forever.
"We have to get permission for certain things involving Amy and your child. I already got Mr. Juergens, Amy's father to sign documents involving his daughter. But i need you to sign documents involving your unborn child."

Ricky nodded.

"Are you okay with the fact that when it comes so far, to choose between Amy's life or your child's?"

Ricky nodded, insecure.

"If Amy's in any life danger, do you agree as the father of her child to let us end that pregnancy instantly?"

Ricky started to get nervous. He didn't know how to respond to a question like that.

"How can you even end this pregnancy, when the baby is full term?"

"It's like an abortion but different. I would want to get into detail how we remove the baby but we're kind of running out of time." He sighed. "That, and i'm not allowed to talk about the procedure."

"Okay. Yeah. Sure." He responded. "I don't know, you know..."

He sighed.

"I will just let Amy's parents decide, i don't think i'm capable of deciding something like that."

"I understand, but... we have a policy here. Only the father of the child can decide this, in this specific circumstance. Not the grandparents or other relatives!"
Ricky looked as if he could punch something or someone.
"Change the policy than." He said. "But i'm not deciding this. I don't want to."

He stood up and walked out of that door.
He didn't wanted to make decisions like that. He just wanted it to be alright. He didn't feel like he should be the one deciding things like this. He and Amy were supposed to decide together.

'But there might not even be a chance.' He thought.

Be still, my love.
I will return to you.
However far you feel from me,
You are not alone.
I will always be waiting,
And I'll always be watching you.
Speak to me...
Hear me call your name,
I can't let go.

- Speak To Me by Amy Lee

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