Chapter 20: Alex

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The nurse was lovely, although she was spoken to rather gruffly by Miss Beast, as she entered the room. However, I realised that Miss Beast seemed to be someone who was always talking to people in an unfriendly way. Consequently, as if it were nothing new, the nurse met her arrival with nonchalance.

"Got a pupil for you Mrs Frost," Miss Beast said curtly, placing me down on one of the medical tables rather harshly. "She's got a nasty injury to the side of her head."

As soon as her name was called, Mrs Frost was by my side in a flash. She had greyish hair, a petite form and bright, kind blue eyes.

"Oh dear, you poor thing," she said, wincing as she saw my bruise. "That looks very unpleasant."

She turned to Miss Beast.

"Thank you Louise for bringing her here. She needs urgent medical attention, as head wounds can be serious."

The instant Mrs Frost had said Miss Beast's first name, I was taken aback by how soft it sounded. Miss Beast was a woman with such a strong, powerful build and dominant personality that her first name didn't sound right. All the same, Miss Beast nodded sharply, before she turned to leave.

Mrs Frost wasn't done talking.

"Oh and Louise," she continued, smiling softly. "I've got your special medicine with me - you know the one that helps you control your temper, if you would like to collect it? I finished making it last night."

After Mrs Frost had finished, I noticed how Miss Beast looked as if she wanted to crush the nurse with her little finger. Eventually, she muttered a gruff thanks under her breath, nodding. Nevertheless, that didn't stop her from meeting my eyes with a gaze that said: "If you ever breathe a word of this to anyone, I'll hunt you down and smash you into pieces."

I stayed silent whilst Mrs Frost dealt with her fellow staff member, before Miss Beast really did leave, much to my relief. Subsequently, I was left to be attended by the delicate hands of Mrs Frost.

As soon as Miss Beast was gone, Mrs Frost set about inspecting my bruise.

"Quite a bump that is," she muttered before she hurried away and came back with a small, empty, plastic bag. "Let me deal with it immediately."

As if on cue, the magic began.

Once she had the bag clutched tightly in her hand, I watched how it suddenly became very cold within the room until, to my amazement, the bag began to fill with ice.

I let out a small cry of wonder.

"Wow," I breathed out slowly. "You have ice powers!"

After she had finished making the ice pack, she motioned to me to put in on my head.

"And there was me thinking that you would have healing powers, being the academy's nurse?"

Slowly, Mrs Frost smiled at my clear astonishment.

"I often get that reaction," she grinned, her blue eyes flashing in delight and amusement. "And I suppose it would make more sense," she continued. "After all, people would be healed at a quicker rate if it were so. However," she added, "in my opinion, my powers being what they are keeps things more interesting, in addition to the fact that I'm pretty hot on my medicines and remedies."

I couldn't help but laugh as I heard Mrs Frost's argument as to why she should be allowed to keep her job. Clearly, Vladimir didn't have any objections with her work, as I was sure that she had been at the academy for quite a long time.

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