Chapter 16

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'It's so perfect!' Buffy announced 'I love it'

'Yeah it's great!' Spike agreed

'I'll show you your room!' Dawn said grabbing Buffy's hand and Buffy grabbing Spike's, they walked up the stairs looking around at their surroundings.

'Wow' Buffy said walking into her rooms and looking around 'and our own bathroom!' Buffy jumped up and down and ran up and hugged Spike.

'Pretty neat huh love?' Spike laughed

'And there is 1 window with curtains so darkness all the time' Dawn smiled

'Thanks lil bit!' Spike said and gave Dawn a quick hug

'Wait why is all this furniture here?' Buffy asked with a puzzled look

'It come with furniture' Dawn beamed and walked out the room

Buffy stood there and smiled the biggest grin at Spike

'This is ours!' she told him

Spike put out his arms and Buffy ran and jumped up, Spike whirled Buffy in the air

'Yeah, I love you Buffy' He smiled

'Baby I love you too!' Buffy said kissing Spike on the lips

'Ugh my tummy hurts' Buffy frowned

'Oh no sorry love must of been the whirling' Spike apologised

'No it's okay' Buffy replied lying on her back on the bed, Spike went over and rubbed her stomach in a clock-wise direction.

'Better?' he asked

'Mmm little bit' Buffy smiled with her eyes shut until after about five minutes of Spike rubbing her stomach Buffy fell asleep.

'Night love'

Spike picked up his soul mate and tucked her into bed and climbed in next to her.

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