Chapter 4 - Help me!

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"Yes!" she yelled in excitement, almost bouncing her head from too much nodding. Mom's contagious smile infected me at this point. ‌ ‌

From what I could remember, Aunt Maggie has been my mother's best friend since they were in kindergarten, possibly longer.

Mom sent me a smile, "She deserves to be happy after such a long time since her husband's death. And what makes it even happier is that " She trailed off, creating a suspense atmosphere.

"Is that? What mom? Please continue!" I said, eager to know it. I was desperate for an answer because I didn't want to wait any longer.

"She has asked you to be her bridesmaid, Nathan to be her ring bearer, and me to be her maid of honor!" She was ecstatic. Oh..I've never been a bridesmaid before, so this will be my first experience. ‌ ‌

"Wow! That sounds amazing!" I exclaimed, knowing how important it must be for my Aunt.

"When is the wedding?" I asked.

"It'll be about a month from now, and I can't tell you how happy I am for her!"

Nathan showed up to the kitchen, curious as to what we had been discussing with our loud voices, "Mommy, what is a ring bearer, mommy?" Nathan inquired from beside me, his eyes wide with curiosity. His eyes were sparkling with wonder as his brows raised in anticipation.

I understand him. My little brother didn't know about Aunt Maggie, nor did he know about weddings since he's still four years old. Awe he's so cute. He was just trying to figure out what was going on... ‌

I ruffled his hair as mom replied to his question, "A ring bearer is the one who'll take care of Aunt Maggie's ring and heirlooms." She said, "And you're the one tasked to do that! Give the ring to my best friend on her wedding day, okay Nate-nate?"

Nathan nodded.

"You're capable of doing so, aren't you?" Mom asked him again.

"Of course I can do it! I'm a big boy now!" he exclaimed, standing up straight and proud like a military officer who has recently been assigned a new mission.

"Good job! I'll be expecting that, Captain Nate-nate!" Mom said, ruffling his hair. She then turned to me, "Remember those times when she used to spoil you with treats when you were still a kid?"

I chuckle softly as I recall the incident. ‌"Yeah, but why did she stop visiting?"

Mom sighed, "Sadly, she migrated to England," Before her eyes lit up. "But she wants her wedding here, so she's coming back."

Oh...fantastic; That's why I can't wait to see her." ‌ ‌I replied.

Putting on her coat, Mom grabbed the keys of the car and started to make her way on the car, as she had night duty today.

**‌ ‌


A little boy who was about four years old ran on the sidewalk. He stumbled on a rock and fell face-first to the ground. Crying in pain, he yelled and called for his mom.

His mom came immediately to the rescue, kneeled, and carried his son to her shoulders, comforting his son. "Next time don't run sweetie or you'll slip again."

I diverted my eyes to the ground as I passed by the scene. Stupid boy, if he didn't run then maybe that didn't happen. Snorting in annoyance, I continued walking along the sidewalk, passing by some stores.

Today's appointment with him wasn't interesting as usual, I could see his efforts of helping me, but everything was still the same. If it isn't dad and this stupid nonsense, then maybe I could try to act normal like he wanted me to. But I couldn't. I don't want to. Everything is always about him.

His Winter Heart (Book 1 of Hearts Series) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now