Why me? ~ A Niall Horan FanFic ~

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The bell rang for first period.

I rushed into class.

I always sit in the back and just talk with my friend Emily.

I should probably introduce myself.

My names Kyla and i'm 17 years old, I live in Canada and I'm not popular.

That's about it!

Me and Emily were just talking about weird things.

"Alright class we have a new student" Our teacher said.

I hate new students.

They always end up going with the 'popular crew'..

"Now don't go crazy.." My teacher Ms. Guinta also said.

I got confused then looked at Emily.

She was confused too.

I looked back to the teacher and saw a boy next to her.

I reconized him from somewhere.

"This is Niall, just treat him like a normal kid" She added.

I knew who he was.

I really had no interest in him, but why would he be here?

"You can sit next to..Kyla!" She also mentioned.

She pointed to me and my eyes widened.

I put my head down.

I started doodling in my book.

I started to draw food and laughed at myself.

I could tell Niall was staring at me.

It freaked me out abit.

I stayed silent as the my teacher kept talking.

I started to draw chicken and someone eating it.

I looked over at Niall and noticed he was doodling too.

I looked at his hair then back at my paper.

I drew Niall's hair for the person who was eating the chicken.

It was quiet funny if I say so myself.

I could tell Niall was looking at my paper.

I turned my head and faced him.

My cheeks flushed.

He just smiled.


The bell finally rang for lunch.

I grabbed my books and headed out.

I opened my locker.

Somebody tapped me on the shoulder.

I was thinking it was Emily but then I noticed she was next to me stuffing her books into her locker.

I turned around and saw Niall.

"Hi" He said and smiled.

I gulped.

"Is this locker 54?" He asked me.

I nodded.

"Great my lockers next to yours" he said and grinned.

I looked over at Emily and she winked at me.

I kind of grinned.

Me and Emily started talking about homework for some reason.

I looked over at Niall and saw him walk down the hall and get pushed down by a Jock.

I gasped and helped him up.

"Are you okay?" I asked him nervously.

I felt a spark between our hands.

"Yea i'm fine, thanks for helping me" He said and grinned.

I picked up his books and gave them to him.

"I have a question" I said.

"Well you can ask me a question only if I can sit with you during lunch" He said and winked.

I flushed.

"Fine" I said.

Emily joined us and we walked to the Cafeteria.

We got what we wanted to eat and sat at a table.

"Now you can ask me a question" He said satisfied with his lunch.

"Why Canada?" I asked him.

He looked up at me.

"Well you see, the boys thought maybe I should go to school for abit while they go to college, I got held back a year or two" He admitted.

Emily awed and I kicked her.

I glared at her and we started laughing.

Niall started laughing too.

"So Niall can you sing us something?" Emily asked him.

I slapped and glared at her.

"Sure, what song?" He asked.

"Boyfriend!" Emily shouted out while catching people's attention.

He laughed and started singing Boyfriend by Justin Bieber.

He got up from his seat and walked to me.

He put one of his feet on the bench and looked at me while singing.

His eyes were perfectly blue.

Everybody was staring at him giving his looks like 'Why her?'.

He finished singing and smiled.

I smiled too.

Some people started clapping.

Emily was probably clapping the most.

Niall sat next to me and wrapped an arm around me.

"Maybe this year won't be so bad" He said and winked at me.

Why me? ~ A Niall Horan FanFic ~Where stories live. Discover now