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"What the hell you did to my dress?" Nadia raised her head to make Dylan the recipient of the most terrifying glare possible.

I raised the hem of my dress a little from the ground and rushed towards my, very furious, best friend.

"Just added a bit more color, I guess," said Dylan in his usual calm tone. My eyes went wide at the comment as I rushed towards them with a higher speed. Aaron had decided to watch their upcoming argument like an entertained audience.

"Very funny, Mr VanAssche. Very funny. Let me throw a glass full of wine on your oh-so-expensive suit and see if you still find it humorous," Nadia threatened. She said it. She would do it. I had no doubt about that.

A side of Dylan's lips lifted in a barely noticeable smile. "Go ahead, Hayden. Do it," he provoked her.

"No. No do it," I went to Nadia's side bracing myself to hold her back if she decided to act on it.

Instead she turned to me. "Look what he did," Nadia said. Her voice instantly changed to that of a complaining child and though the fury in her eyes was still noticeable, she didn't direct any of it towards me. Her gown looked a lot worse up close. She was holding it with her thumbs and index fingers like a dirty, wet cloth. The wine was dripping down the fabric, making the stain worse with every little movement.

I placed a comforting hand over her shoulder. "It was an accident, Nadia. And Dylan must be very sorry about it," I gave a hard glare to Dylan. There was not the slightest hint of regret on his face. It was not his fault. It was not Nadia's fault, but she had received the worse end of it. So even if he was not going to apologize, it would have helped me a lot if he was not being so sarcastic about it.

"He doesn't look sorry," when Nadia looked at Dylan, the bloodshot eyes were back. Nadia had never been one to let go of things easily, but this was surely the first time that I was watching her hold back herself from diving into the pit of insanity. And yet, she had chosen to keep her words at minimum.

"You really don't look sorry, Dylan. A little help here?" I said.

"I wasn't the one running with my eyes closed," he stated.

"But you spilled the wine, VanAssche," Aaron said. Nadia nodded, relieved to have some support. I was sure that his comment was far from being in favor of Nadia. It was meant to annoy Dylan. Of course he was not going to let go of this chance to take a dig at him.

"Are we taking sides now, Aaron?" I asked. My eyebrows were raised in surprise, not for his words or for him taking sides, but the sheer amusement on his face.

"I am," he smiled at me. Even at a moment like this, I could not fail to notice how charming his smile was, or how incredibly handsome he looked when he smiled.

I was thinking of ways to diffuse the situation when Kevin arrived. He joined the group, searching all of our faces for answers to explain what was going on. It was Nate who took the initiative and pulled him a little away to explain it.

"Guys, you see it was a mistake. Why don't you both apologize to each other and end this here?" I suggested. It was the only solution that I could think of while still being neutral. It would not end well for me to take a side here.

"When was the last time I ever apologized, Caro?" Dylan asked me. A question that sounded so genuine, but made his intentions clear to everyone around.

"Yes, Caro. Mr VanAssche is too mighty for an apology. The world revolves around him after all," Nadia's eyes were trained on him as she spoke.

Dylan's face hardened, the little smile vanished, and his composure wavered. But he didn't speak. It was Kevin who took that moment to express his plight.

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