Resident Evil: Endless Nights

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They were chasing her again. She just couldn't escape them. They were the infected that Umbrella had created. Umbrella was the evil pharmaceutical company that dabbled in biological warfare. What they did was inhuman and illegal. But she couldn't worry about that now, she was being chased by their oldest creation. These are what most people call zombies. They had flesh peeling off there bones, the smell of death, the decaying bodies always reeked but after a while you just stopped noticing. Unless of course you walked through a huge pack of them. But they were mindless and stupid, the only thing that kept them going was the hunger for human flesh. If you were lucky, when you were bit by them you would die. If you weren't you would become one of them. And they were hard to kill. The only way to kill the infected were to decapitate or shoot them in the head.

And she didn't have to means to do either one. Her gun was out of ammo and she didn't think to grab anything to hit them with. She mentally kicked herself for being stupid. She should have known by now. It's been two weeks since the big spill in Raccoon City. She has been trying to escape but all roads out of town have been barricaded. The city was cut off from the outside world. Something the police set into motion.

But that was when the rioting had started. People were raiding stores. Taking anything of value. Some even tried to get into the police station. The police just killed them all. But they didn't stay dead. They broke through the gate and slaughtered everyone inside. Then they came back. No where was safe. If you wanted to survive you were smart. One stupid mistake cost you your life.

She wanted the nightmare to end. That's what it was. One big nightmare that somehow came to life. If you died in this nightmare there was no waking up.

Her name was Jill Valentine. Daughter of one of the most famous thief's in the city. But she, herself, turned away from the life of crime. She became a cop. Or a member of the S.T.A.R.S, Special Tactics and Rescue Squad. It was a hard job but she enjoyed it. It was the SWAT team of Raccoon city. They were the best of the best.

But now most of them were dead or out of the country. Most of them died during their little mission at the Spencer estate. It was the first time they ever fought the infected and Umbrella. Now most of the S.T.A.R.S were in England, scoping out their main facility. She was supposed to meet them their right after she left the city but got a little side tracked with the zombies, barricades, and trying to find survivors. Now that she was ready to leave it looked more like she would die. It sucked but there was nothing she could do about it now. She was still running for her life and still hadn't found any ammo.

She took a sharp left, hoping to lose them in the maze of alleys. They were about ten feet behind her and were still gaining. She searched the alleys, looking for a trash can lid or anything she could use as a weapon. Her prayers were answered when she saw a lid off to the right. If it didn't kill the zombies she could at least use it as a shield to hit them back. She hurriedly pick it up. It was cheap aluminum but it would have to do.

She looked around, the infected were slowly gaining on her, and she had no where to run. She was dreading the fact that she may have to run through them. Even she couldn't pull that off, even after surviving everything she had.

Then she heard something that froze her in her shoes. It was a monstrous roar. And she only ever heard it once before. In the Spencer mansion. It was here but it peas impossible. It was the Tyrant. The worst creation that Umbrella had ever created. It would have killed all the S.T.A.R.S members if Chris hadn't blown it up with a bazooka, that chicken-heart Vickers threw out of the helicopter. Chris shot it while it was after her and Rebecca. Jill still had nightmares about it.

Now it was back and she had nothing to defend herself with. Well besides a small 9 millimeter pistol, and a trash can lid. She was a joke. There was no way she would survive long enough to see the outside of Raccoon again. She started thinking of everything she would never get the chance to do. Such as visiting England. She laughed at the irony. If she did get a chance to visit she might have died there while fighting Umbrella once again. If only it were a dream. She would just throw herself at them. She even considered it a few times. She thought she was going to go mad with the constant moaning, the banging on doors, and most of all the loneliness of being the only live human in a city. It was enough to make her want to just blow her head off. But she kept fighting.

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