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[Picture of Tasha Hailand] - let me know what celebrity you see her as.. I might change it.

Back to Ashley's P.O.V

So we have less than a week before we're off for the summer. The passed few weeks of mid may and June flew by. It was crazy.

Now that the days are getting warmer and the weather is getting nicer, our trip to Florida is coming up. I can't wait, to be honest with you.

I'd be on my way right now but Andrew wanted to wait until right after school was over. There was still some planning to do as well as packing but I'd give anything to be laying on the beach with my boyfriend right now instead of sitting in a classroom.

My mom is completely in love with Andrew so she said it was fine by her. My dad however had a few second thoughts but my mom said she'd talk to him.

I understand that any parent would worry if their sixteen year old daughter went out of state with a guy. This guy is different. I trust Andrew enough to stay in the same hotel room as him.

I trust that he will respect me and he's yet to disappoint me. He's my boyfriend and I know nothing is going to come between us and this trip.

This week is our week.

"What do you think of key west for our first stop?" I asked scrolling through my laptop. I turned it over to show him.

We sat side by side on my bed, trying to figure out where we could go before checking into the hotel. Andrew's eyes scanned the page, looking at all the pictures of the beaches and storefronts.

"I think that's a great idea." He replied. "Which hotel were we going to again?"

"It's the called the um.. The Beachside Hotel."

"Oh yeah, I still need to book it can I use the laptop real fast?"

"Sure." I replied handing it over to him. He placed it on his lap opening a new tab. I looked over at the screen watching as he picked out the full week stay there.

Most of the time Andrew and I were planning on driving to and seeing different places so the hotel was just so that we had a place to sleep.

He pulled out his leather wallet, taking out his visa credit card. He started filling out all that information you needed to fill out when making a reservation.

My mind travelled to a week from now, imagining what it'd be like away from here. Away from Tasha and Josh and all that other BS.

I mean Josh was supposed to be going to this hockey tournament for the summer but I have no clue about whether or not he left yet. My theory is that he's using that excuse to get away from his 'responsibilities', If you know what I mean.

"Here." Andrew said handing the laptop over to me.

He had exited out of the website, and I continued planning out our vacation. From key west to Miami we'd probably never run out of things to do.

"I can't wait." I squealed, my eyes glued to the computer screen. I heard a warm chuckle from beside me.

I looked over at a now staring Andrew. His dark eyes gazing into mine. The butterflies in my stomach erupted.

I was practically doing somersaults. "Me neither." He reached over, pushing a strand of my hair to the side.

"There's so many places that we go to."

"As long as your right there with me, we could go anywhere." Andrew confessed. I smiled at him, feeling the room heat up all of a sudden.

"Your too sweet." I giggled, trying to hide the shade of pink on my cheeks.

"And your too cute." Ahh! I'm melting from the inside out. It was quiet as I clicked around the website. "I told you I'd make you mine." He rested his head on my shoulder.

What is he talking about?

"What?" I wondered looking down at him.

"You don't remember?" His eyes widened in surprise.

   "Remember what?" I  am so confused. Andrew took my hand in his intertwining our fingers.

   "You don't remember that time when you were still dating Josh, I told you.."

   "Told me what." I've never been more clueless.

   "I said that you'd be mine. It was when we first met." He tried to remind me.

  "Ohh! Yeah that was a while ago."

"Why am I the only one that remembers that?" He chuckled at my confused state.

   "I don't know."

"I told you I'd make you mine, now look at us now." I looked at him, the corners of my mouth turning up.

"Yeah, I guess you were right." I replied.

"You guess?"

"Yea Andrew, I guess." I repeated daringly.

His hand snuck to my side feeling his soft touch before erupting in fits of laughter. "Stop!" I laughed, as you tickled me.

I squirmed trying to get away from him. I placed the computer to the side, afraid I might drop it. "You guess huh?" Andrew laughed, continuing the torture.

"I'm sorry Andrew.." I said in between laughs. "Alright! I'm yours." And it stopped.

"Now, was that so hard?" He questioned teasingly, pulling me closer to him. I laid in his lap, intently looking up at him. I shoved him playfully.

"I hate you."

"Well too bad, because I love you." Andrew leaned down creating a trail of kisses from my forehead all the way down to my lips.

My goodness the things this boy makes me feel. I let my fingers run through his thick hair, all while kissing him.

I didn't know a person, a guy can make you feel like this. Like the happiest girl in the world.


Hey you wonderful people, here's another update. It's a little pointless but I thought I should update. We're so close to book two it's crazy. Most likely a chapter in between ninety or ninety five will be the last.

I've never finished a book so far, so this would be my first all thanks to you guys. Comment your thoughts❤️❤️

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