5 days.

12 0 0

It was five days ago.

Five days ago they showed up. 

The black spots.

My rash covered, itchy red hands began to develop black spots, just as itchy and just below the skin.

I didn't know what they were, they're just on the ends on my fingers, right under my finger nails. I tried to dig one out with a knife.

It didn't work.

The first sign of the rash showed up around 8 days before the spots. At first it was itchy. Unbearable itchy like I just wanted to peal my skin off.

It was the only thing I felt would cure me of the itch.

Of course that didn't work either.

The rash spread fast.

Faster than I anticipated it would have.

In one day.

One day both my hands were covered and then my arms not long after that, the spots showed up.

It continued up my wrists as the black spots spread to blotches and patches up over the backs of my hands. My feet and ankles have rashes and blotches on them too.

It hurt to wear socks.

My skin begun to peel four days ago.

Four days ago and only on my hands where the black spots were.

Nowhere else.


Long broken nails allowed me to scratch when necessary but in sleep I found I had no restraint to rip skin off and by morning I was bleeding.

It didn't hurt.

To peel the skin off.

It felt nice.

Nice like the most satisfying scratch to a persistent itch.

Even then it didn't hurt, the raw, bleeding holes in my skin felt hot, not burning or uncomfortable just, there.

Three days ago my hair started falling out.

Not like a strand every here and there.


I was pulling chunks of hair from my head every time I touched my head.

By the end of three days ago, I had no hair left on my head.

Face included.

Three days ago the rash was up to my neck and butt cheeks.

The black spots not too far behind.

My peeling skin made me look like I had leprosy. I guess I looked pretty disgusting; bleeding, hairless and rash wrapped.

Two days ago they turned colour.

My eyes.

The barely visible blood vessels around my eyes were full to bursting with a dark substance.

My once misty green eyes now a dull grey and red with exhaustion; with the paranoia of peeling more skin than could be helped in my sleep, stopped me from sleeping all together.

Rash up to my chin and rising to my belly.

Black spots gaining fast and skin peeling just below that I knew.

At this rate I wasn't going to last long.

Yesterday my lips dried up; shrivelled if you will. No amount of water or chap sticks was going to help me now.

Lips unable to move made it hard to close my mouth a constant involuntary snarl on my face bared my disgusting yellow mess of teeth.

Not being able to close my lips made it all but impossible to talk, even though I had no voice to talk with.

Without being able to swallow, what with my tongue drying out my vocal cords basically seized.

The only sounds I was capable of were small grunts the odd grown and every now and then a screech if I was lucky.

My hairless, bleeding, rash and spot covered body refused to give up.

I refused to give up. I kept moving.

Kept moving.

My body wasn't truly my own.

Not anymore.

I kept moving, shuffling to whatever made a noise. Whatever caught my attention.

Today I sat in the middle of main street. Hairless, bleeding, rash covered and peeling skin. eyes dim, mind dimmer. Black spots up to my arm pits.

My grey, black veined eyes a primal shadow of what they once were, now wide and with a desperate to catch a glimpse of whatever moved next.

I sat in the middle of main street wrists deep into my neighbour's abdomen.

I, covered in his disembowelled entrails, sat contently in the middle of main street as I shovelled his flesh and guts into my mouth.

This is me now.

Covered in this man's blood, mixing with my own on my black spotted peeling skin.

If you could call it that anymore.

This, blood covered merciless thing, doomed to wander the streets of this city as it stood still until someone came and blew my brains out.

Ending my now, useless existence as a zombie.

Just a little story I wrote a while ago on a crappy piece of paper I thought I lost. Good thing I cleaned my  shelves out or I would have never found this gem. well I hope you all enjoyed ;)

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