White Blossom

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It could start raining at any moment. There is a man by the window; he is sad at the falling blossom.

Eventually, he closes the window and goes to make some tea. He can hardly hear his wife calling because of the sudden driving rain.

He eats rice and pickled plums, then kisses his wife on the forehead. She is wearing dark lipstick. Suddenly, he wants to go out even though it's raining outside, but doesn't know why.

"I'm just popping out," he says. She doesn't reply.

Outside, it's raining with a clear sky. On his walk, a woman wearing a white kimono can be seen. Her eyes look sad. As he approaches her, he says "What's wrong?".

She smiles. Her lips turn dark and her black hair turns white. Then she disappears. The rain clears. There is only the scent of lipstick and rain on blossoms

White Blossom/ 白い花Where stories live. Discover now