Chapter 2 - Part 1

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Friday Night

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Friday Night

Ugh! I thought to myself as I ducked into a nearby room, closing the door quietly behind me. I was hiding from my ex. He was looking for me and I couldn't stand to be around him. Not for one more second. I had reached the end of my patience. If he found me now there was no telling what I would do and say to him.

Enough is enough! There would be no diplomacy or tact in what I would unleash on him. I leaned against the door as I briefly closed my eyes. This was beyond frustrating.

Even setting him up with a beautiful girl from one of my classes hadn't worked. Vicky had been interested when I had suggested Ryan. I was convinced she would be enough to capture his attention, but he hadn't even given her a second look. I crossed my arms as my feelings of frustration gave way to anger.

I didn't like that someone could impact my life the way he was. I was used to making my own decisions and doing what I wanted when I wanted.

Taking the fact I was hiding out in a stranger's room while I could hear music playing through the house notched my anger up. I should have been downstairs with Matthew, who had been talking to another girl when Ryan had found me.

It didn't help that I was feeling out my depth with Matthew. Things hadn't gone according to plan. If I was honest, my plan had completely failed. The first day he hadn't called I reasoned he didn't want to seem too interested. By the next day I was feeling nervous. By the third I was questioning whether I had imagined his interest.

I wasn't used to waiting around for a guy. They usually fell all over me. I was attractive and was used to guys hitting on me.

I had long dark hair with dark-brown eyes framed by thick dark eyelashes that brought out my eyes. I was a younger version of my mother.

There had been a moment of realization earlier that I was in a situation I had never experienced before—and I didn't like it one bit. He had caught me off guard and I struggled with what to do next. It would have been easier to walk away and admit defeat, but I was too stubborn for that.

I kept the distance between us, refusing to look in his direction. But nothing I did seemed to follow the path that others had walked before. He was an anomaly.

The girl in me wanted me to go up to him and find out why, but the determined part refused to give in to it. It would be showing a weakness for him. I understood guys well. If I came on too strong it would send him scattering in the opposite direction.

Playing harder to get was the way to go. So for the last week I had controlled every slight look in his direction, making sure not to meet his eyes. It wasn't like I would have ignored him if he'd made the move to talk to me, but he hadn't.

When the night of the party had arrived, I had felt nervous about the night that lay ahead. Usually I was confident and sure of myself—but for once I wasn't. I only had doubts. I had no way of knowing whether my tactics had worked or if I might have pushed him in the opposite direction.

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