The Hole

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One day things will go wrong but we'll realize we still have things to be happy about.

In the bottom of a dark and profound hole, a little bit of light comes through. And for so long have we been standing there, in deep sorrow, waiting days and nights without telling light from dark, sun from stars. The tricky little metaphor that is life, that stands there for us to live it, but sometimes only lives traces of existence. It provides us with flashes of happiness and joy, for us to only crave it when it's gone. And the little ray that we though we saw right next to us inside the hole disappeared into only a memory, or perhaps even just an illusion.

One day, when the air is nice and life is a bit generous, we'll make a move in exasperation and realize maybe all we thought was wrong. Maybe the stars shine too in the night. And just maybe, we've been standing with our back against the sun all this time. Only then do we realize what it takes to see it again.

Only then do we allow ourselves to climb for a change.

Prompts to a Certain SomeoneOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora