Well...Not Anymore: Chapter 24

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A/N--Heya guys! So this is the final chapter of Well...Not Anymore.  I know that Lucas and Naomi were extremely frustrating characters and that most of you hated either one of them at some point, but that's kind of how I intended for them to be! They're in high school and have that immaturity to them that all high schoolers have (no offense if you're in high school, you know it's true!).

Naomi has dealt with a lot of hurt/rejection in her life so of course she's going to be suspicious when things are going so well (which is why she ran, so people give her a break!) and Lucas was supposed to be the typical good-looking jock with a heart of gold but who just got caught up in the rush of popularity.  So yeah.  Hate all you want but I do love these characters and I hope you learned to as well!

I want to say thanks (I feel like this is the beginning to an Oscar's speech) to every single person who commented or voted or fanned. You are seriously the most amazing people on the planet and I love you to the moon and back (corny, eh? :P)

But I'm not going to say much else, other than that this is not the cliche ending where they wake up in bed and have kids running around!  No, I can't end a story like others have been ended.  Sure it's a bit unorthodox, but I like it :)  And to the characters that we don't see in this last chapter, let's just say that they're doing well, alright?  I feel like this is all the last chapter really needs.


I didn't go.  

I just couldn't do it.  

I'd gotten all the way to the bus station, had taken a cab and everything to get there by the way, only to turn back at the very last minute. Why? I honestly don't know. The whole way I'd walked there I'd seen different faces flash throughout my eyes. I'd seen Drew, Destiny, Zara...Lucas. I'd seen a whole lot of Lucas in my mind actually. I'd seen that smile that he gives me every time I'm in my silly mood and he feels like he doesn't have to worry about me. I'd seen that blissfully content expression that he has on every time I wake up and he's there with me. 

I saw the expression on his face that I knew he'd have when he found out that I'd gone. Sure there was that insecure part of me that I thought was so strong telling me that he probably didn't care and that he'd run off back to Destiny or something. But there was just this huge gnawing at my chest that he wasn't going to be able to brush off my leaving so easily, that he was going to struggle with it. 

And even though he has hurt me in the past and even though he may not deserve my trust quite so easily, I still love him. I still missed him like crazy even though I hadn't actually left yet. Just the mere thought of not seeing him every day was awful.  

So I decided to be selfish. I decided to just soak up every single minute that I have with this boy kneeling in front of me right now, looking like the earth has just shifted underneath his feet. I honestly didn't know that he'd take so long to get back to his house or else I would've gone inside to talk to his mom or something, seeing as how I've been out here since three o'clock or so.  

Ever since Lucas was supposed to have gotten out of school. 

But he never did show and so I just sat here on the porch, my hood drawn over my head while watching different people walk up and down the streets. I thought about calling or texting him, worrying just a bit, but I figured that he'd either gone to work with Zara or had practice or was with his friends or something. 

I didn't want to be a bother. I know that me saying I was going to leave was utterly dramatic, and to be honest, I'm kind of embarrassed by it. I overreacted to everything Drew said to me earlier on today I know I did, and I hate that I took the cowardly way out of it and tried to leave. And I was so scared that Lucas was going to hate me for even thinking of leaving. 

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