Epilogue (new 6/15/2017)

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As Christmas approached I could not deny the many blessings that the year had bestowed upon me. All three of my brothers had returned home bringing their wives and children. I, myself, had not only found love, but I married it too. With that union my family grew and treasured friends became real sisters.

On Christmas morning Isaac led me on a wild goose hunt trying to find where he hid my present. We went all through the yard looking in every nook and cranny; he swore he hid it outside. Then he remembered he hid it out front and he made me cover my eyes as we walked around the house. He had to position me just so and when he told me to look, I saw a large red bow tied to the front door. "I don't understand," I stammered.

When I turned for an answer, there he was standing with my brothers, all smiling, "Merry Christmas!"

At first all I could do was laugh, but the tears were brimming. "What's this about?"

"Home," Isaac beamed. The first tear rolled down my cheek as he took my hand, "Our home."

"We all decided," Arthur spoke first as I fought to find words.

"You'll never be far from Emily and I," Jonathan grinned, "I know that was always a worry of yours."

"Face it, Magpie," Freddie lifted my chin so he could look into my eyes that were now swimming with tears, "you've always belonged here."

"More than any of us," Arthur chimed, "there's not one inch that you don't know better."

"But we . . . we can't," I sniffled pressing into my husband, "Can we?"

"It's all said and done," Isaac kissed the top of my head. I managed to smile and thank my brothers despite my tearstained cheeks. They really were the best brothers in the world.

With all of our family and friends present, our home had not seen such life in many a year. Charlotte was beside herself cooking up new feasts to celebrate any occasion she could fathom. Of course Mr. Nassar was always willing to help and more often than not was found in the kitchen, spoon in hand and flour smudge across his cheek. It would be many a year before he would convince our wonderful Charlotte to leave us and become his wife. The last letter that I've received they were in Paris learning the fine art of patisserie.

In the New Year Freddie and Patience moved back to their home in Kent. As much as Isabella hated to leave me, she was thrilled with her little brother Oliver. Over the years they would be blessed with two more darling daughters. To my great happiness, I have never been able to tell who dotes on them more, their father or their mother.

Arthur and Lucy still had no plans to settle, not when there was so much of the world yet to see. It became a brotherly arrangement that they would get the London townhouse, so they would always have a home of their own whenever they came back to England. Soon after the holidays they set out again, with no particular plan of where to go. Their journeys slowed a bit however, when they welcomed their son, Nathaniel. By the time they returned to England again, they had two beautiful children, a son and daughter that mirrored their own adventurous spirit.

Jonathan and Emily surprised us all when they shared the news of purchasing the house next door. I was especially shocked since it was due to go to her brother; however, I later learned that Jonathon made an impassioned speech that moved practically the entire household to tears. Although neither he nor Emily said another word about it, Mrs. Vaughn shared that her daughter will never want for friends or family so long as she had Jonathan. I realized then what he meant that I would never be far from him and Emily again.

Lord Edgehill, the wonderful man that he was, did return to see his wife. It was difficult for him but he gave her an ultimatum, love or status. They could return to Brighton as once they were, although a family of three instead of five, living out the rest of their days in happiness or if it was status that she truly wanted, he would leave her in London, comfortable but alone. When it came time to accompany Leah on her trip to Egypt, the Edgehills went as a family.

Thomas' demeanor became vastly different as he and Sarah settled down to welcome their firstborn. Christopher Isaac Edgehill was but their first son. Perhaps it was his reckless youth, but he was a strict yet loving father to their five children. The title of Lord Edgehill was passed to him, although many things had to be settled in Gideon's eyes before that happened. It was a very heartwarming moment for the family when it became official, everything was settling as it should be.

My dear sister Leah was not alone for long as she embraced love with youthful exuberance. Her engagement seemed lengthy but before her father would consent, he had to be sure that his princess would be happy and taken care of on either continent they lived. He did secretly tell me at their wedding that he couldn't have asked for a better match for his daughter, as her husband treated her with more care than he imagined and instead of becoming a queen, she was more akin to an empress.

Faith and her beloved Philip managed to marry just before us. We make it a point to meet every Season in London, re-enacting the picnic that brought us all together. Whenever we travel to Brighton, we always visit the Winchesters. While our children will not be schoolmates as our husbands once were, they have formed their own friendships over the years and we continue to watch them thrive.

It was over a year before I heard from Percival again. It was not through Patience or even Faith but a letter addressed to me in his familiar hand. His travels from England took him abroad and while he set sail with only the sea as his mistress, she led him to everything he ever wanted. Once his commission ended, he and his wife would be returning to England and he hoped they would be well received at Thornbrook Hall. Isaac and I were overjoyed to welcome them into our home and lives. In fact the four of us got along quite well and as the years passed, the joke that there would be an intertwining of the Stanhope and Edgehill families seemed to become more of a reality.

I remember the evening when my life felt like it would end. When I only saw the loneliness and darkness around me; thinking I would never be whole again. I have to laugh. If that girl had known how rich her life would be, how love would encompass her and all of the people she would come to treasure, she would never had shed a tear but instead she would have run into the darkness to find her light.

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