Chapter 3

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Chapter three:

Hello there readers =) I’ve decided that I’m going to try for the Watty Awards this year with this story. Mostly because well... it doesn’t hurt to try right? And my other stories tend to have a lot of *cough* intimate parts and I don’t think that’s allowed in the Wattys? Anyway, knowing me there will still be restricted parts but I’ll try to put them in a separate book so it doesn’t get flagged or whatever.

If you’ve entered in the Watty’s before or just know more about it please contact me through private message or just in a comment to let me know more about it please! Anyhoo, enough rambling.

I would really appreciate your votes and comments to support me for the Wattys =)

Nix <3

PS. This is dedicated to WickedCat... gosh how could it not XD lol thanks for being so supportive of me hun! xx


Chapter three:

Oh God... I feel like death warmed over!

I pried my eyes open and squinted as the bright rays of sunlight streamed through the opened curtains. What the hell happened last night? I was sprawled half across my bed and half on the ground with my sheets tangled between my legs as though I had a fight with them in my semi-unconscious state.

The bad thing was that I didn’t realise this before I tried to stand and fell completely off the bed, face first.

“Good morning roomie!” Helena sang with a bright smile plastered to her face. I groaned loudly and quickly covered my ears. It felt like I’d been trampled on by a heard of angry bulls and a marching band were practising in my ear drums!

“Helena! For the love of God, and I say this with complete love... Shut up!” I whisper yelled to her as I slowly, very, very slowly picked myself up from the ground and held a hand to my throbbing head.

She ducked her head and giggled cheekily. “Woopsies! I’m sorry, I forgot you drank enough alcohol to dry out a country last night”

Yeah, that would explain the overwhelming hangover from hell...

“So did you if I recall correctly. Why the hell aren’t you puking your guts into the toilet bowl?” I wondered loudly. She was just as drunk as I was and yet here she stood, nothing short of a bloody ball of bouncy sunshine.

She shrugged and skipped over to water her flowers by her bed, “I’m Earth-abled so I don’t really get hungover. I think it’s in the genes of or something” I heaved a sigh wishing I was Earth-abled as well.

 “I’m going to take a shower. I must look like a zombie right now” I told her quietly, though what I really wanted to do was bury myself in my bed sheets and sleep until tomorrow or until the sun was no longer trying to kill my eyes.

I walked into the bathroom glancing in the mirror as I passed and screamed when I did a double take, which was possibly the worst thing for me to do while hungover. Apparently, I had enough sense to pour myself into more comfortable clothes last night but neglected to remove my make up resulting in me looking like that psycho zombie clown from Zombieland.

“Val! Are you ok?!” I heard a muffled Helena yell from the other side of the door.

“I’m fine, I just scared myself” I replied as I caught my breath. I don’t know how the hell she didn’t collapse in a fit of laughter when she saw me. I finished my shower feeling much fresher and a little less like a corpse. I threw on a yellow tank top and white denim short shorts before letting my hair air dry. 

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