45: Groupchat -- Lets All Talk

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HERE. Let's all talk about tonight. Why the fuck did you just walk off Damon?

Damon 💙😚👅: You really want to text. I'm sitting next to you, Skylar. Let's talk

No. I want them apart of our conversation. And I think I asked you a question

Damon 💙😚👅:
I said excuse me to you, Stefan, and Hayley. I told you guys I'd be back cause I wanted a real drink. That's all. We weren't having a party behind your back

Yes you were. Oh, and Caroline and Elena were just at the bar? Even though they can't drink?

Elena 👯🦄😋:
Caroline and I were talking alone. We saw him and went over. That's all

Y'all are seriously trying to underplay this. Especially you, Damon.

Elena 👯🦄😋:
What does that mean? Are mad at me or something? I don't even want to be in this between you two

Stef 💚:
Funny cause you wanted to take pictures with her boyfriend 🙄

Damon 💙😚👅:
Don't instigate brother

Well you are in it! Because you are my problem. You went on and said you always post pictures with your friends. Where? It's been Damon, Damon, you, Damon, Carolines birthday??? I'm sorry where's your friends because I'm seeing my boyfriend every fucking time. And I'm over it

Damon 💙😚👅:
Babe. Please. Calm down

Stop defending her¡¡¡¡

Damon 💙😚👅:

Elena 👯🦄😋:
Are you serious right now? Is it really a problem for you that Damon and I are friends? Because I'll stop talking to him completely if that's what you want Sky

Damon 💙😚👅:
That's not what she wants. And there's too much shit always going on for you and I to be on nonspeaking terms

Stef 💚:
Why is she even involved? Before it was cause she was my girlfriend. Now what's the excuse. The shit that happens to me and to you is none of her concern... With how uninvolved Sky is I'm surprised she even knows we're vampires and what's always going on

Damon 💙😚👅:
Okay. What's YOUR problem? Elena's been involved since you were with her. Now what? You want me to tell her to fuck off while I deal with the problems looming over all of our heads. Over her friends' head

Stef 💚:
My problem is I haven't seen you happily with someone in ever. You have a girl who actually loves you and you're willing to gamble on that

Damon 💙😚👅:
I'm not gambling anything! Sky and I are fine! I would never fuck this up. You're right I've literally never been happy in the last 145 years until now. I know how lucky I am, Stefan

Elena 👯🦄😋:
Seriously, Sky. There's nothing between us. He really does love you. When you're not around he's always rushing to get back home to you. Or talking about you. He checks his phone every five seconds to make sure you don't need him for any little thing

Damon 💙😚👅:
Babe! Come back!

Stef 💚:
What happened?

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