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"That's it. This portal should take us to the cryptum." Cortana said, small flickers of red shimmered along Chief's HUD as she did. He ignored it for now, he had to focus on what was happening now and fix her later.

The Covenant had advanced on their rear, trying to prevent them from entering the portal. The elevator could only allow small squads to go up, which usually met their deaths by the well trained clones that had stood guard.

Chief lead first, as always, into the portal and the trusty clones right behind.

The area around them changed again, this time, a massive metal orb floater in the distance past several forerunner structures. As if on cue, phantom dropships flew overhead and quickly dropped off troops before leaving.

It was then Chief realized the area was guarded, by sentinel's. The flying robots swarmed the Covenant squads, during their lasers and trying to dodge whatever the Covenant fired back.

A jackal fired off a charged round from it's plasma pistol, disabling a Sentinel's shields and took it down with a few more single shots.

"Droid's!" Cody pointed towards a droid gunship, which had several commando droid's standing on top of it.

The gunship shrugged several shots from the elites that focused their rifle fire, trying to bring the gunship down.

A grunt wobbled over with a fuel rod gun, and sent two balls of green plasma into the gunship's side, making it shake and causing smoke to escape.

The commando droid's jumped into the battle while gunship retreated. They focused fire on three advancing jackal's, who tried to defend their allies from the elite droid warriors.

A sword elite charged and cut a commando droid in two, it's metal body sizzled and collapsed to the floor with a clank.

The sentinel's took interest in the new hostiles, and fired their lasers at the agile robots. Two commandos flipped past the majority of resistance and tried to flank the Covenant soldiers, peppering them with blaster fire.

A sentinel cooked a grunt with its laser, burning the small creature to a crisp.

The battle was intense, the Covenant clearly having the advantage over their enemies, but not one on any side noticed the approaching humans that took aim.
Blue blaster bolts and 7.92 millimeter bullets hit the closest Covenant line like a wave, knocking over several grunts and jackal's, with only the elites remaining.

An elite ultra roared and charged, only to be gunned down by the MasterChiefs precise aim. The alien collapsed a mere foot away, blood exposed to the ground from its guts.

The last sentinel's were two busy with the commando droid's and elites to pay any attention to the clones. Cody was first to fire his rifle at one of the flying machines, followed by his brothers and managed to take most of them out.

Once the battle was cleared, the massive metal door opened swiftly, allowing the team to enter a massive area, all eyes focused on the massive floating orb that vibrated with silver and orange colors.

"The connection is stronger here, that terminal has got to be what we're looking for." A NAV marker pointed to the terminal a few meters ahead.

"I'm getting a s-signal!" Cortana said in her distorted voice, then played the signal through Chief's suit.

"At...ion.. his is.. Gen.. Skywalk.. pleas...espond.."

"General Skywalker?" Cody turned to Chief in surprise. "Oh kriff. He's going to be trapped down here with us!"

"Hurry chief we have to warn them!" Cortana yelled, and the Chief didn't hesitate to rush to the terminal controls.

Clones took positions around the Chief in a defensive stance. Covenant dropships flew overhead, looking for places to drop of their troops.

Chief placed each hand on one of the two terminal pads. Energy wrapped around it and Cortana went to work.

"This is Sierra-117 to General Skywalker, do you copy?" His asked.

Nothing happened. Nothing but static.

"This is Sierra-117, does anyone copy?" He almost sounded worried.

Only static. But more this time.

Chief tried again, but was cut off by a loud rumbling noise.

The cryptum began to slowly rose.

The Invisible Hand

The clanking of the cyborg general's metallic, claw-like feet echoed in the corridor leading to his command bridge.

"What's the situation, Captain?" He coughed loudly.

"Scouts haven't reported in sir, but our probe droid's have located the bulk of the aliens forces near the Republic crash sight."

"Excellent, with our enemies busy, we will have time to mobilize and strike down them all down!" He chuckled at the idea of cutting apart defenseless clones and leading his army to victory.

"Uh, General, I'm detecting a strange signal from one of the planet's spires. And we lost contact with all forces in that area." A B1 said almost nervously, as he stood only a few feet from the menacing cyborg.

"Cursed clones, I want probe droid's in that area NOW!" He clenched his fists. "They may be finding a way off this strange world, I do not want to miss any chance to escape."

"Roger roger!" The droid obeyed.


"YOU!" The menacing monster of a being roared, his voice could easily be heard from all over the area. "Creation of my people, and the cowards." He gestured to the shocked clones. "You've finally returned, and not prepared, as expected."

"Chief, RUN!" Cortana yelled, but their efforts were fruitless. Chief felt himself lifted off the ground, the Didact held him in the air with what seemed like little effort.

"Time was your ally, but now it's obvious you failed, if you haven't bested these beasts, then humanity has not obtained the mantle." The elites all bowed when they realized the being before them was a forerunner, one of their gods.

"Even they understand my might." He waved his hand, and the Cryptum began to open widely, the large metallic sphere dismantling itself. It collapsed like the shell of an egg.

All that remained were a dozen pods that radiated with orange-crimson energy.

"And now that my tools have awakened, it is time."
The pods opened up, revealing dozens of robotic creatures. All opened up their faces to show up glowing skulls that seemed trapped under the forerunner armor. Each wielded a glowing blade akin to the common energy sword, but was also orange.

They simultaneously lunged forward, landing next to the waiting Elites who still bowed.

"The forerunners, have returned." His helmet folded over his gruesome face.

Then things went black.

Halo/Star Wars: Awakening (Worlds Collide Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now