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the second safety pin lead its way into my life the following year, on my 14th birthday.

in place of my notebook a safety pin lied with a note,

"your words scream to be heard"
                                    love always,

my breath caught in my throat,

"he read my poems." my voice quaked.

i added the new safety pin to my pocket, as my mother called me down. deja vu running through my blood.

i could hear the news before my mother spoke,

"14 year old madalyne brookes was found dead in her room. is it a coincidence this is the same night our beloved addison meadows was found dead last year? tune in at 8 for more information. this is channel 3 news signing off"

"i fear for you caroline." my mother whispered.

"ill be fine."

"the world already took one of my babies, it will not take another."

my mother has been timid and bitter to the world since jonathan died. he did bad things and mother won't tell me most, but when the cops asked me if i know anything about jonathan's special medicine when i was 12, i think i got the memo.

"just be careful" my mother sighed as i walked out of the familiar door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2017 ⏰

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