Chapter Seven

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This was surely one of the strangest experiences he had so far. Jeremy was looking at himself, but it wasn't a mirror image. It was a separate person. He was reminded strongly of Tobias' life when he saw himself punch Tobias in the face. It was wierd then, and it was wierd now. Angel-Jeremy was dressed in a white suit, far more formal than anything Jeremy had ever worn. The suit sleeves were pushed up, and Jeremy could see that Angel-Jeremy had no scars on his wrists.

"I've already experienced my own death, I don't need to see it again." Jeremy said, and the angel smiled that same lopsided grin that Jeremy used to make.

"That isn't why I'm here Jeremy. See, I'm your last person, and this is going to be a little bit different than the other six." Angel-Jeremy replied patiently, much more patiently than the real Jeremy would have said it.

"Different in what way?"

"Well, you saw the other six lives when you succeed in committing suicide. However, you will be seeing what your life will be like if you decide to return." This sounded very interesting to Jeremy. Who wouldn't want to see the future? However, considering how the majority of the futures he had seen were not very bright, he wasn't terribly optimistic.

"Do I die in a horrible, violent way?" Jeremy blurted out, and Angel-Jeremy rolled it's eyes.

"I thought Angel-Cordelia told you that I don't know what is going to happen any more than you do. Now let's do this for the last time." Angel-Jeremy gestured towards the television, and Jeremy realized just how much he had grown to hate the television. If he decided to come back, he was never watching TV again. He looked around at the white room one last time, and would not miss it in the slightest.

"Let's do this." He touched the screen and the room disappeared for good.

His colour was a deep purple that reminded him of the grapes that his mother would always have sitting on a bowl on the kitchen table. Then he was in a hospital bed. Angel-Jeremy stood in a corner. Jeremy tried to get up out of the bed but something was stopping him. Then Cordelia, his mother, and Tobias burst into the room. His mother quickly scooped him into a hug, and to Jeremy's shock, he could actually feel her. She was tangible, and he burst into tear, sobbing like a little boy. Then Cordelia reached down, and it felt so good to hold her in his arms again. Tobias gave him a big hug as well, and Jeremy could feel how steady he was. All of them were crying, and Angel-Jeremy had the biggest smile on his face. Cut to a classroom. Jeremy was in a desk, and there was a distinguished woman in the front speaking. He looked down at his notes and saw that they were about the stages of depression. Apparently he went into the mental health field. It was peculiar to experience life as himself again. Looking around the lecture hall he locked eyes with a very pretty girl sitting a couple desks away. She winked at him, and his heart warmed with an expected sensation of love. It was unlike anything he had ever experienced with Cordelia. It warmed him in all the right ways, and he briefly believed that he could live forever on that feeling.

The next scene was a blinding white, and for a moment Jeremy was afraid that he had ended up in the white room again. But, as his vision focused he realized he was in a chapel, and the same girl from college was smiling warmly at him, looking radiant in a white wedding dress. Jeremy looked around and saw Cordelia and Tobias holding hands, Cordelia just as beautiful as ever, holding an adorable baby boy on her hip. His mother was in the front row, beaming. Next to her was his brother, holding hands with a woman he didn't recognize. Jeremy couldn't see Brett or Mrs. Todd anywhere, but he was okay with that. Looking back at the woman that he clearly loved, the two kissed, and the world dissolved again.

A scream erupted from the next scene, and Jeremy was put on edge, expecting someone to be severely hurt. But then he saw his wife on a hospital bed, clearly in the process of giving birth. He watched, fascinated, as the screaming stopped and the crying began, this time coming from three people. Himself, his wife, and the newborn that the nurse was holding in her arms. Another overwhelming surge of love welled up in him. This was his child. His legacy. How could he ever pass this opportunity up? How could he leave and not give this child a chance to be born? He couldn't. It was becoming so clear to him. If this was the life he was meant to have, why shouldn't he live it? Jeremy now realized how lucky he was. He had a second chance, a chance to make things right. A chance to live an amazing life with an amazing woman and child. Jeremy had never truly believed in a higher power, but something had given him a second chance, and he was going to take it.

After watching his death, which was peaceful, with him passing away in his sleep, Jeremy sat in a stunned silence, looking at the old man who was him. Luckily he hadn't actually had to experience his own death. That probably would have been overkill.

"So, are you ready to make your choice?" Angel-Jeremy asked, still in his form.

"Is this really how my life will turn out to be like?" Jeremy replied, still doubtful of the certainty. Despite his assurance earlier, he was still afraid that his life would turn out to be as worthless as his past self thought he was.

"Well, nothing is ever guaranteed, but this is the life you are meant to live. Of course, we only showed you the really meaningful moments. Whatever happens in between is up to you."

"Will I remember all of this?" Jeremy wasn't sure if he wanted to remember all of this. He had seen some pretty traumatic things afterall, and while he had numbed his mind to that, the last thing he would need while he was recovering was nightmares.

"Probably not. You certainly will not remember your future, or anybody elses. You might have some pretty strange dreams, and will feel different, but you shouldn't be able to connect the ideas." Angel-Jeremy replied concisely, and Jeremy wondered again just how many people they had told this to. Probably too many.

Now was the time to make his choice. It was far easier than Jeremy would have thought. He knew he would go back, to try again. In his heart, he had always known that he would go back. Part of him was excited. He couldn't wait to meet his future wife, and to see the look of pure relief on his mother's face when she saw him again.

"I'm ready now." Jeremy said confidently, and the angel smiled.

"Close your eyes then, and relax." Jeremy did, but then a thought occurred to him and they shot open.

"Wait!" He cried, and the angel looked bemused. Jeremy cleared his throat quickly. "I just wanted to thank you. Without you I would have never seen the truth." Jeremy said rapidly, and the angel's form seemed to grow brighter.

"Good luck Jeremy Donovan. May you live the life you were meant to have." With that, the world went black, and Jeremy crumpled to the ground.

Sorry about the late update, but the book is almost over! I'm very sorry for the slight cliffhanger, but you will see the end of Jeremy's story next week. If you enjoyed this chapter and are excited for the next one, remember to vote and comment. Thank you for reading :)


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