chapter sixtytwo

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Sleep wouldn't come to her. She didn't even know why she tried. Swiping her tears away she played with a star as it danced along her arm.

How easy it would be to call Kell to her and let him hold her. Let him take care of all this. She knew that's what he'd want her to do. Knew he could ease her troubled mind in seconds. There wasn't much he wouldn't do for her.

He'd promise to take care of everything, and he would try to. He'd promise to take care of it, and he would mean it, but there is only so much an eighteen-year-old future king could do.

His people were only one person from packing up everything and abandoning them. If that happened the only question would be rather Kell stayed or left.

Thinking her people could handle these new aliens on their own would take a better imagination than hers. All this time they'd been surrounded by aliens and the whole damn planet earth never even knew it. Or if they had they were not telling just anyone.

Any of her people who might have been able to fight them were dead. The government gone. All they had left was her. And if all she had to do to save them is lose everything, then so be it.
It was easy enough to do. The hard part was going to be living with that decision.

"Dez, how many like me are alive?"

"The final count today is two hundred ninety-four thousand and sixty-two. Sixty-six thousand, of which are still outside the gates. Twenty-four thousand two who still refuse to be tested. There are also a good number of many who could still be out there who haven't come forward for help."

"How many do you think?"

"It will take weeks to know of all the survivors and collect them. Perhaps longer with all the uncertainties. All our men and women have been called in until farther noticed so all endeavors have been called to a standstill. We are no longer concern about finding more survivors, we need to protect the survivors we have."

"When did this happen?"

"Today at twelve fifteen. By morning all of our people and all of the humans under our protection should be safe within the cities."

"Except for me." She replied dejectedly.

"You will no longer be under our protection, human Jessalynn."

"Do you think______."

"I am unable to think, human Jessalynn. I answer in probability and facts from intellect fed to me by some of the smartest species available."

"Right. What are the chances of your people leaving earth to go back home?"

"That data changes hourly. With your leaving odds have gone down to eighty-six-point nine percent chance that we will return to Syrian."

"And our chances against this new threat?"

"That answer is unknown. There are too many unknown factors. We do not know their numbers. Their intellect, nor their desires. Our people believe using what data they have, our history with them, our numbers, and our intellect that there is a high success rate."

Kellum believed his people could defeat this new threat so that would be good enough for her.

She laid back on the bed. "When I leave tomorrow do you think it would be better for me to go home or to go to one of the outposts, I heard Kellum talking about?"

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