{Chapter II} | Don't Tell Him

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A/N Hey guys, I'm going to try updating on Mondays from now on (:

follow me on instagram @zarrysupreme_ :)

love katie xx

Throwing the necklace onto the floor, she shuffles past his figure at the door and doesn’t even bothering saying ‘excuse me’ when she brushes past his arm dangerously close, nudging him slightly. She still can’t get the image of how impassive his face was the whole time. It pissed her off so much. Was he upset a little bit? Did he feel somewhat guilty? Was he clearly happy? But instead, she received absolutely nothing out of it. The only thing she can actually bring herself to appreciate was his honesty. The two words that left his mouth were spoken with candor. It would’ve been worse if he had lied to her straight in her face. Most likely hurting her ten times worse. Luckily, he didn’t.

She gets inside her car and just sits there for a couple of moments before leaving. She can’t help but think of herself as an idiot right now. She feels like an idoit and stupid as well. She can’t believe she actually came over to his house, in hopes of mending things back together. Now look where that’s got her—heartbroken, humiliated, and hurt. The list could go on and on but those are the top three feelings eating at her. And it feels horrible. She wishes it could go away.

She gradually presses down on the brakes and stops behind a gray SUV. She looks at her phone lying idle on the leather seat and bites down on her lip contemplatively. She has a sudden urge to order food yet her parent’s voices linger in her head. We’re worried about you. You’re showing the signs again. She chooses to ignore it and calls the restaurant anyway. She knows that she isn’t going to go down the same road again. She’s better now than she was before.

Besides, to a certain extent she feels obligated to order some food after all that’s happened. Her putting up a front in the presence of them both turned out better than she anticipated. She kept her head held high and created a turn of events. Brooke’s so called plan backfired on her with full force.

So if anyone was to have jackass labeled on their forehead, it would be her, not London.

The cell rings two times before someone picks up. “Hello, welcome to Golden Wok,” the female’s voice says into the phone. Her accent is thick. “How may I help you?”

“Hi,” London says, turning the volume down a bit. “I would like a pint of chicken chow mein, an order of fried chicken wings, and two shrimp rolls.”

“You said ‘a pint’, right?”


The sound of pots and pans clanking together is heard in the background before the women on the line says, “For pickup or delivery?”

“Umm…” her voice murmurs. She wants them to deliver the food but then again she doesn’t. What if they arrive at her house before she gets there? Her parents will most certainly have to open the door then. She can already imagine the perplexed facial expressions upon their faces once they see the food. Who knows, they might dig inside of the bag, being intrusive, to see what’s inside. Yeah . . . no, I think pickup might be my best bet. Because then, she could walk inside her home, bag in hand, and run up the stairs before her parents can ask any questions. It sounds like a good enough plan. She’s going to do it. “For pickup.”

“Okay, can I have your first name please?” the women asks. “Your order should be done in ten minutes and the total is $12.26.”

“Alright, and my name is London.”

“Thank you and goodbye.”



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